Some of these courses are hosted on my old site, Music for Every Soul.
They are not responsive in that they have not been adjusted
to fit smaller devices like your phone and tablet.
Thus, they will not function as designed.
The courses, for now, are best taken on a desktop or laptop computer.

Click the icons to explore the topic.
Tools for the Times
In these swiftly moving and changing times new learnings are necessary to stay in balance. The ways of old in the Piscean model are giving way to new Heart Centered ideas, concepts, and paradigms entering with the new Aquarian epoch.  Are you feeling the call? Your inner Being knows it is time to expand. But how? There is simply so much information available. In the distant past seekers turned to Mystery Schools to study and reawaken. But now we have teleconference calls that allow you to learn in the comfort of your own home.
Living As If Already Whole
Access at Music for Every Soul

Suppose you could live now as if you were already whole. What might happen? What might your life be like? What might you be? Well….do you want to find out? Are you ready to act as if you have it? Are you ready to start thinking, believing, moving, being in a decidedly higher frequency just to see what will unfold? Intrigued? I bet you are…so let’s get more information because it is time for you to make a decision!
Sound Waves Inner Mystery School
You are invited to enroll in a very unique learning opportunity that will result in your becoming certified as a Sound Alchemist®. This two semester online seminar will teach you a vast array of  information and technique to work with sound and vibration to assist individuals in realigning to their frequencies of wholeness. Upon completion of the Level 1 and 2 courses and successful passing of a series of exams you will receive your certification as a Sound Alchemist.




These are unique opportunities to work one to one with Mark via phone or Zoom or Skype. They are each a specific number of sessions with companion information on the website, Music for Every Soul. Weekly sessions are a combination of information sharing, application of the information, and relating the information to specific elements of your own current life. Each mentoring is an investment in your reclaiming your clarity and greater understanding of the whole you. The course investment is based on all these elements.
Spiritual Mentoring
Each of us is experiencing a unique rebirth. It can be confusing and chaotic and painful and discouraging. Guidance and support would make all the difference. Someone who has walked through the fire and paid attention to the learnings and carries information because he has listened all along....that would be useful. Someone who has emotional literacy and can process energetic releases with an array of techniques...that would be useful. Someone who believes in you...yes!

I offer you guidance and support ...through your moments of living in this profound time of reclamation of the I AM.
Inner Child Mentoring
Inner Child Mentoring is a unique process born out of my own woundings and my deep and winding journey of re-awakening. I was not surprised that after all the work I had completed I would wind up right back where I began. Yet, this time I have an awesome awareness of who I Am. Re-connecting with my Inner Child Self has allowed me to cleanse fear and doubt, to remove the yoke of unexpressed anger, to lay down the cloak of sadness and lack of value, to claim my creativity and abundance and joy, to finally know that I am safe and will not be left behind again. It has made all the difference in my moments and allows me to feel peace and happiness in ways I had only intentioned before.
Energetic Self Care
Humanity has deemed that it is better to give than to receive, to take care of others first even if it means that you exhaust your own inner resources. Really?! Silly...indeed.

Tending one's own energy garden will provide you with the inexhaustible supply needed to be present for others. There is a balance that can be established that leaves you much more able to show up for others much more than thought possible.

If this intrigues you, then engage this mentoring journey with Mark as we walk through understanding and developing a self care strategy for the physical, the emotional, the mental, and the spiritual selves.

You can develop a consistent program that will keep you purring, embracing the moments of life. 12 sessions will give you the solid foundation of self care.
LAUNCHING May 12, 2025
Healing Music Musician Mentoring
Using music as a vibrational tool that can influence an energetic condition involves some very specific time-honored ancient methods as well as some leading edge applications. Music, in all its forms, has always had an effect on the listener. That effect can be directed and amplified by applying the very tools taught in this very unique 12 step interactive course.

As a musician you likely have experienced the power of your music on others. If you are drawn to explore how you can really lift your creations into doing profound healing on your listeners, then you would be well served learning these energetic principles and techniques.
You will have online access to the PDF and audio files.
Mentoring the Reclamation of Imagination and Creativity
Imagination and wonder, both elements that are an essential part of our original design, are often the casualties of the education process. When the imagination is not nurtured and celebrated our capacity to create in a fluid manner is compromised. Many have grown to consider themselves uncreative because they have lost touch with their inate abilities.

If you are ready to reclaim your sense of wonder and imagination and open up the door to your own expanded inner child self, then please consider a 10 session course with Mark. This phone/Zoom /computer journey is designed to reactivate your awareness, knowing, and trust of your capacity to be wildly creative in how you live your moments.
LAUNCHING September 8, 2025
Finding and Freeing the Emotions
Emotions, in the big picture, are one of the primary elements available on this Earth Plane. According to sources, much of the Cosmos functions like Spock in Star Trek, mentally, and informationally. The introduction of energy in motion opened up life to a much juicier experience that blended the physical and the celestial into a fluctuating form.

This unique and desirable component of the big life has been misunderstood and mistreated by humanity for the longest time. Emotion is mocked, controlled, ridiculed, held as weakness, get the picture. Emotion is the lubricant of life. It gives substance to the successful manifestation of your desires.

This 12 session mentoring program is unique and needed by much of the human race. Learn how to embrace and utilize the truth of your emotions. Experience the adventure of being a whole human.
LAUNCHING December 8, 2025

Special Services
Check out this variety of experiences/services that are both in person and over the phone/internet. These are all one to one experiences that are by arrangement.

Click the icons to explore each and sign up.
Rebirth of I AM
These profound times of change have instigated an inner calling to return home to the magnificent truth of your Being. Most likely you have read the books, attended the classes, visioned and intended and still you yearn. You long to put all the pieces together, assimilate the learnings, and finally bring about the inner peace and joy you know you deserve. Yet, you still seek guidance.

The Universe has felt your yearnings and has helped to manifest a unique and cutting edge one to one process to integrate your inner and outer realities.

Journey to the spectacular Central Coast of California on the leading edge of the Pacific Plate, where ideas and weather are birthed, where the past fades with each sunset, where the vibration is cleansed by the cooperative union of earth, water, and air, where the sun bathes you in the ever present power and clarity that is yours by birthright..
Vibrational Attunement
Perhaps you are hungering for something that could support you vibrationally? Something you could use that would raise your vibrations to harmonize with the new frequencies? Something you could use that would keep you vibrating in this new space? Something that was created just for you based upon specific energies and frequencies uniquely required by you?

Vibrational Attunement is a blending of sound healing, music therapy, ancient mystery school practices,  and shamanic techniques utilizing traditional and found instruments as well as the magnificent synthesized music technology that exists today.

A Vibrational Attunement will result in personalized musical, spoken word, and sound cds that will shift your personal vibrations to eradicate that which is not in alignment with your true being. Issues like weight, love and partnership, abundance and prosperity, fearful living, anger and rage, life's work and purpose can all be traced to stagnant vibrations that interfere with your specific and unique frequency of health and power and alignment. The old ways of change are being replaced by faster more efficient and more effective means based strictly on working with and altering frequencies of vibration within you.
Lighten Up! Personal Session
Sound and Energetic Alchemy to Wake Up, Balance, and Re-Align Your Whole Self

Lighten Up! is a series of independent treatments, empowerments, cleanses, guided journeys, techniques, and activations that will make an immediate and palatable difference in your energy field.

Each session will clear your field and give you repeatable skills that you can use beyond the session. The more of the sessions you experience the clearer your vibration. These are remarkable times when we can become our own self-care practitioner. Schedule a session or two to experience and learn how to reclaim your whole self.

Choose from four different sessions. Ideal in person but can also be facilitated over Zoom or Skype and, if needed, over the phone
Reclaiming the Natural Voice
Of all the instruments in the world, your voice is the most versatile, the most colorful, the most beautiful, the most expressive. Nothing conveys the nuances of the inner world so poignantly, so powerfully. In fact, your voice mirrors the condition of your heart and soul. It is an indicator of what you have yet healed, of what you cling to.

Our natural voices have been systematically diminished by our particular life experiences. How many of us have sung with passion only to be silenced by “You can’t carry a tune in a bucket”, or “Why don’t you just lip sync the words”. Though we bought the criticism, we still long to sing, for singing is the heart in full bloom. It is life massaging itself with soaring melodies or rhythmic chants.

Why not work to free the voice first by changing the thinking and the self-criticisms and replacing the fears with nurturing awareness?

This is what I offer. By clarifying and expanding the true voice within we can then fine tune the mechanism. Recovering the natural voice is a journey and a process of rediscovery, a reconnection with your divine essence.
Spa On-Location
Energetic and Vibrational
Having worked in many workshop settings on my own and with renowned psychic, Sonia Choquette, PhD., I have watched how miracles can happen and lives and passion can be reclaimed. We have worked in spas and retreat centers and found that when these ideas and techniques are applied to those who are receiving body work and releasing their energetic baggage, the effect is amplified.

Thus, I have created a consultant practice that would spend a weekend or a period of time up to a week at a your setting raising the vibration of the place, the clients, and the staff to levels resonant with your intentions. The energetic benefits are long-lasting and reclaimable upon command as the raised vibrations of the cells hold the memory of the experience.

When all elements in the spa or retreat center are in alignment energetically with content being shared or with the stated purpose of the center, people keep coming back, as there is that special “something” they feel.
Quarterly Community Chakra Clearing
As everything is vibration it is useful to expand into the knowing that change is happening constantly. Your own energetics are responsive to your thoughts and actions. As the physical body is the vessel in which we navigate this dimensional life, learning that this body is regulated more by energy is life altering. That energy must be maintained so that the physical vehicle will functioned as designed.

Tending the chakras by periodic cleansing and clearing can go a long way in helping you maintain a balance and a flow. Individual clearings are important and necessary, whether facilitated on your own or with assistance of a Sound Alchemist. When you do so in a group then the collective intentional energy can amplify the experience and the effectiveness and thoroughness of the cleansing. In other words, we help one another.

This service is applied locally in a room with people. However, it can be facilitated over the phone as well. So, once a month I will start to facilitate a complete chakra clearing for as many who are interested, both locally and on the phone. Participants will be charged $5.00 each time. Typically, 40 minutes is needed.

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