Unless you have been asleep, you have no doubt felt the quickening of vibration in these times. Everything is amplified and sped up and certainly, change is happening at a pace that keeps us in a heightened state of awareness. Essentially this bathing of energy comes from higher realms at a specific time when mass transformation is just what is needed to shift the old forms and bring us into a new time of greater clarity and power and love. The less we pay attention to the forms around us the more sane we will be. More than any time before the saying, it ain't what it seems, applies. How are you handling these accelerated times? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are long held emotions rising like waves to wash over your formerly comfortable life? Do you fell uncertainty because of what is going on around you as well as the feelings and sensations that seem to be invading your being?
Or do you, despite it all, feel like something important is happening to you and all around you? Do you feel strangely empowered and notice that some things that used to be major simply do not matter anymore? Do you feel a sense of anticipation about personal changes that seem to be just around the corner? Do you feel motivated to do everything you can to support this change within?
Perhaps you are hungering for something that could support you vibrationally? Something you could use that would raise your vibrations to harmonize with the new frequencies? Something you could use that would keep you vibrating in this new space? Something that was created just for you based upon specific energies and frequencies uniquely required by you?
If so, you may be interested in a Vibrational Attunement...