Below you will find a growing number of active blogs to visit and interface with. Read each overview to decide which you may be interested. Then click the title to visit that blog. All blogs are hosted by Blogspot. They have some history but have a space between that and now as I did not maintain them regularly. As of July 1, 2024 each of the blogs below will be maintained with a new entry at least once a week. Responses to comments will be addressed within a 24 hour period.

Also below you will find two active forums I will be maintaining regarding my music and events. Here you will be able to comment and interact with others about my music and my classes and workshops and books. I will place an entry at least weekly and will respond to comments typically within 24 hours.

I look forward to sharing and interacting with you in each of the blogs and the forums


(launching soon)
Welcome to Mark's Mystical Musings. In this blog I will share my reflections upon my moments of living. I am coming from a new thought perspective that celebrates our personal and unique magnificence and beautiful journey. I follow that our moments are guideposts and opportunities to learn and evolve. Everything has information and meaning. I invite you to reflect upon my musings.

Click the title above to begin blog interaction.
Welcome to Reflections on Sound Alchemy, a blog where new tools and techniques focusing on the use of sound, vibration, and frequencies to expand, heal, and awaken. Here you will find things you can put to direct personal use as well as perspectives and advances in the Sound Healing Field.

Click the title above to begin blog interaction.
Welcome to the blog, Thank You, Spirit, where we share and dance in the powerful process of gratitude. Here we will reflect on the beauty of the moment contained in the forms that arrive at our own altar of awareness. Feel free to comment on the sharings and also post your own gratitudes.

Click the title above to begin the blog interaction.


Welcome to Evolving Chakra Care. This community sharing is for those who have purchased the book, The Guidebook for Evolving Chakra Care. It will not only serve to be a place to share about the personal experiences with the tools and techniques contained in the book, but also function as the clearinghouse for up to date information and revelation about chakra care that is blossoming in this times. Participants are welcome and invited to share and contribute to a powerful growing community of higher vibration that will serve the collective in evolutionary ways. Get the book and join now.

When you have purchased the book and contacted Mark, you will be given the address and the password to this community resource. Use the link below to send an email verification and you will be sent the login details within 24 hours.

Welcome to From the Ever-Expanding Universe, a blog dedicated to sharing and exploring channeled information from higher vibrational, multi-dimensional teachers and guides. Here you can reflect on some up-to-date information passed through to us on the third dimension. May it expand you heart, mind and spirit and support your magnificence in these changing times.

Click the title above to begin the blog interaction.
Comments on my 2012 India trip entries in the blog, Mark's Mystical Musings

Even though as a traveler you have been still take us, the readers ,into a slice of life not imagined.with grace and insight....thank you for.your with you..Connie in K*town

Mark..That was such a sweet ..pure..tribute to your Tigger..your sense of amusement and honoring..but take heart !! perhaps you can find a happy toy in Nepal..maybe a monkey that so proliferates the landscape...wish you joy..wish you contentment..and a silent ahhhhhh..Love to you..Teri

These entries are wonderful...surely if I cant be there, my vicarious experience thru your writing will stay with me just the same. I agree seeing a young girl living her life out in a temple would seem so odd...what a soul contract that has to be! I can hear your bowls singing and imagine how you will use them in your own music-making. Many blissings, my friend. Michael B.

Incredible, inspiring, magnificent....please publish these writings! You walk us through a land of inexhaustible beauty that nestles itself in the most extreme poverty and filth. But it is the people, the local flavors, local customs that you so beautifully describe. Many thanks for this gift to all of us! -t harris


(launching soon)


Here you can share your experiences, feelings, thoughts, and recommendations about the songs, music, CDs, workshops, concerts, and classes of Mark’s.

Click the title above to begin your forum interaction.


Let's talk about life. Here you can share frustrations and get feedback from others. In this mutual support we will likely find new perspectives of how to face particular opportunistic challenges of our own moments of living. This forum is a wonderful place to engage giving and receiving.

Click the title above to begin your forum interaction


For far too long we have incarnated into a sea of limiting beliefs. As we become aware that we are so much more than we have been allowed, we have opportunity to start letting go of worn out thoughts and beliefs. This usually requires focus, effort, and action. Let's use this space to share our new perspectives and seek assistance in letting go of what no longer serves us. Together we can raise the collective vibration...

Click the title above to begin your forum interaction.
“I have connected with your music for so long, but only recently heard you incorporate a talk during the Sunday service. I was impressed. You wove the music into the words and stories and content in a masterful way. It was deep and powerful and engaging. I felt it on many levels. Always loved your songs but now I get to hear how your voice works with just words. Wow! Voice overs?!The whole experience was personal and showed your comfort with emotion and the wounds of life. You shared it in such a genuine way that I not only felt connected to you but found myself feeling my own story. What a great release I had. Beautiful. Thank you!”
—Michael Dean

PO Box 1331 Cambria CA 93428
Phone: 805.927.2416
Cell/Text: 805.660.5989
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