Additional Information
for Publicity Purposes
The union of music and spirit is the driving force of my life these days. From the days of writing about the lost relationships and the struggles of the early 20’s through the creation of Sunday morning songs that opened the hearts of a congregation into the songs that chronicled the ushering in of the Aquarian Age, I have been loyal to my mission: create the songs that serve the ever changing vibration.
I have been a troubadour for lifetimes. In the days long ago I channeled the vibrations that integrated the dimensions. In the ancient mystery schools I learned my deeper craft, the very tools I have brought forth into this incarnation. I am at the age when I can not mince words. Speaking the greater truth of who I Am is necessary to fully participate in all of it is for each one of us.
In these times I use sound, song, chant, and mantra to impact the moment. I let the vibration do the work on the listener. I use sound to attune another, aligning the vibrations of the chakras to bring them into balance. I call forth a chant or a mantra that pulls forth the ancient intentions to do powerful healing work that gets us out of our own way. I surrender to the flow of the moment and follow the frequency that gives me back the knowing of who I have always been. I do the very things that we all are capable of, indeed, designed, to do.
I Am all about assisting others to remember themselves. The veils are being lifted in mighty ways and our greatest woundings, our castles of resistance, our veils of protection are being shattered to reveal the simple beauty of the I AM expressing as me, as you. Explore this new dimension with me. Explore this site and start your journey with assuredness…walk a path that has been cleared for you.
Consider a Vibrational Attune-ment, or a three day cleansing and celebration devoted to you alone with the Rebirth of I Am, or let me walk with you hand in hand in a unique, empowering, Spiritual Mentoring process. Go deeper into the self with the Inner Child Mentoring. Claim the new paradigm and learn to live in the new frequencies with the course, Living As If Already Whole.
Most of all, enjoy the music. Let it resonate through your being. It has been created to reawaken, to clear the old energetic debris, to trigger your inner knowing that gives you back You. It is time….
-Mark Stanton Welch