BIO and More 

On this page you will find bio information for promotional purposes in three forms: a short bio, a more detailed long bio, and a key points list. Additionally I have included a video sharing a narration of my musical journey thus far...And, I added some 2-3 minute audio sharings/reflections on my music creation, my writings and courses, some perspectives, and my workshop experiences.


For a taste of Mark's history and what he can provide for your event read through this short bio by clicking the button below. Then download your choice of a PDF or Word Doc.


A longer bio that looks more in depth at Mark's musical and facilitator history is available by clicking below. Read it through and then download as a PDF or Word doc for your ease of use.
I realize that as I experience the privilege of growing older there was nothing along the journey thus far that was not necessary and a blessing. Every experience honed me into this current frequency that is unique and identifiable...actually capable, through the lessons learned via the specific experience, to provide an energetic healing for another. In a way, it is physics and also metaphysics. My frequency, as well as yours, draws others, people who can stand in my presence and benefit from what I have become...and vice versa. Higher frequencies will always bring lower frequencies into resonance. Look how we serve one another even without even being conscious of it. As we wake up and raise vibration we serve one another. Ah...sweet blessings, indeed!

The Musical Journey with Narration

parts one, two, and three

Did I ever think that music would be the driving force in my life? Not at all. It brought me joy and I used it to get attention and secure relationships.. .though most were temporary. But something kept me picking up the guitar and embracing what it brought out in me. The music became songs which became therapy which became a way to find balance. I saw how it impacted others and wanted to know why. Little did I know I was being guided to rediscover sound and vibration as reliable tools of transformation and manifestation into form. And now I want to create a string of centers that use music and sound to transform pain into clarity...thank you, Cosmos, for taking me on a journey that brought me right here to where I Am.

Some Short Reflections on My Music, My Courses, My Perspectives,
and My Workshops

(Audio MP3)
How I Write Music/Songs

In the beginning I wrote songs about what was going on with me in relationship and life. That was before I studied sound, vibration, our energetic design, and the power of the consciously intended voice. Listen to what has changed to make these songs more impactful.
What is a Musical Prescription?

Music is medicine. It always has been. My intentional music is about assisting you in remembering who you truly are by design. Listen to get a sense of how I do that.
Chant, Mantra, and Intentional Songs

Listen for a quick overview of how these work to change your personal vibrational frequency. Ancient cultural chant and the power of mantra led to a combination into what I call Intentional Songs.

How I Write...

Musical Prescription

Chant, Mantra, and Intentional Song

A New Kind of Mentoring

What if mentoring, the conscious assistance of another, was all about waking you up to what is contained within you? Listen and see what this feels like...
What's Behind the Courses I Write and Facilitate?

The things that come through me are fed by a greater knowing about this magnificent cosmos (or so I think). There are some things I do in great faith to allow the creations to flow. Give a listen...
The Workshop Experiences

I have been told that my workshops are different, feel different, and ignite lasting results in those who choose to attend. Listen to some of the things I put into my workshops to make them different.

A New Kind of Mentoring

What's Behind the Courses

Workshop Experiences

Exploring the Phrase " The I Am That I Am Expressing As Me"

Are you ready for a new, expansive perspective?
The Power of Conscious Gratitude

Listen to what a little bit of thank you can do
The Now Age

Has the New Age evolved into the Now Age? Give a listen....

Exploring I Am That I Am...

Conscious Gratitude

The Now Age

Cleansing the Doctrine of Limitations

We have been told so long how it is and how we are. Listen to some of that and start to decide if it is true for you any more.
Some Celestial Truths in These
Now Age Times

Are you ready for some new information about the greater nature of things? If so, listen to 7 statements that can cause a big shift in how life shows up for you...believe me!
Leaving the Comfort Zone Behind

A comfort zone has been built over time to insure safety and has become familiar and reliable. However, it keeps life out and leaves us circling the known like a leaf in an eddy. Listen to see if it is time to leave the old CZ behind?.

Doctrine of Limitations

Celestial Truths

Leaving the Comfort Zone

PO Box 1331 Cambria CA 93428
Phone: 805.927.2416
Cell/text: 805.660.5989
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