About Mark

Please click the icon in each box to be taken to the page and the information.

About Mark's Music

Mark's music has been created to raise vibration on multiple energetic levels. It is written to impact specific areas of the body vibrationally to assist clearing out held historic energy. Click to find out more about how it can serve you personally...

Mark's Bio

Secure a short, a long, and a bullet point bio about Mark as a downloadable PDF or Word Doc. Also learn a lot about who Mark is behind the music and the writings and the teachings, through a video story and audio vignettes on a variety of topics.

Publicity Photos

Access publicity photos in 96 dpi, 150 dpi and 300 dpi for your marketing purposes..

Booking Mark's

Everything you need to know about booking Mark for your event or service. You will find fee schedules and contracts.

Additional Photos

Here you will find a generous assortment of photos about Mark's musical journey plus several shows of original photos he has taken, some of which are available for purchase.

Spread the Music

Here is where you can share an invitation to your friends to come experience the creations of Mark. These days it is all about expanding the connection with hearts and minds worldwide. Help me make this move in that direction.Thank you in advance for participating.

In Resonance:
Center for Sound
and Vibrational

Explore the primary vision Mark has embarked upon to start a Sound Alchemy healing center in San Luis Obispo, California. See how you might be able to plug in and align with the vision to make it a collective energetic manifestation.


Mark has been writing music, performing, and facilitating workshops for over 40 years. Along the way he has received many notes of appreciation and reflection. Here is a generous collection of the blessings received.

Blogs and Forums

Learn about and explore the blogs and forums Mark is maintaining. Follow this link to the launch point to start your interactive journey.

Circle of Giving
and Receiving

If you have been moved by the music of Mark Stanton Welch, or have been impacted by his writings, classes, courses, or workshops then please consider gifting his personal mission to assist him in his travels, events, and new recordings. It is a powerful and conscious way to support the higher vibration music finding its way into the world on a grander scale. Every donation is an affirmation in a more loving, connected, empowered, and peaceful world. Click the gift to access details on your gifting. And thank you in advance for your generous support...
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Copyright 2021-23. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise noted.