Conscious Thriving

Resources and Courses
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Resources are red and courses are black

Self Care with the Seasons

The Earth is our ally, manifested to provide the perfect environment with all the resources necessary for life to thrive. As humans, we are intertwined and actually, unified, with the Earth Mother, Gaia, who resonates our inner state by forming our frequency energetic into the physical. Inner life begets outer life. Explore this unique opportunity to align with the seasonal energies to assist you in maintaining a conscious balance throughout the year.

Higher Frequency Living Resources

You will discover access to music, writings, mentorings, concert schedules, and so much more to assist you in raising your vibration to embrace the unfolding opportunities presenting themselves in the form of a sweeping world wide health challenge.These higher frequency  resources can help you take charge of your choices in your moments. They invite you to enter the bigger picture to flow with the new wave of higher frequency energies that are rushing to lift us up.

Resources for Self Care

Self care is a foundational life skill that has rarely been taught. When you monitor and augment your own inner resource base you find that you have all you need energetically to clearly address the form of the moment. Explore a host of resources that will guide you into the land of conscious, loving self care.

Stay at Home 2024-25 Resources

The world wide virus that arrived in 2020 has not disappeared and many are still on the cusp of being required to stay at home as outbreaks through variants pop up. In my viewpoint, that would indicate that our work as individuals and as humanity is not complete. There is much to do as the energetics are blended and tossed to bring us, one and all, back to our design template to live the good life on this Earth plane. Here are some potent resources that you can use to reclaim your original template during these 24-25 times.

Conscious Living with Gaia Resources

Here you will find links to some of my resources to support expanding your relationship with Gaia. You will discover access to music, writings, mentorings, and so much more to assist you in raising your vibration to embrace the blossoming symbiotic connection/partnership with our living host, Gaia. Growing your awareness and engaging your conscious interfacing with the Earth Mother will afford you a magical opening that is riding the wave of these virus-infused transformational times. Your access to the big picture of you depends on it.

Thriving as a Teen and Young Adult

For the new generations, and in particular, teens, these are remarkable times..., if you choose to cross this threshold of remembering and waking up then you have to know that things can and will change as they oscillate into a higher frequency, a higher vibration, where thriving is the norm. How are you at letting go? Are you willing to stand alone as you integrate your own reawakening? How are you with adventure? Are you willing to step into a wild ride that delivers the real you to you?

No? Then come back when you are ready and willing…this will be waiting for you.

Yes? Then come on…let’s go!

The Process of Change: Resources to Accelerate the Flow

In case you have not noticed, everything is in flux, and more so than ever, change has become the new "normal". Let's take a look at the small and the big picture and learn how to flow with this wave of personal and collective transformation.

The Self Healing Process

What?! Self Healing?! Yup...that is your design much more than you likely realize. So, let us start to see how we can augment and support and reclaim our design capacity to keep the motor running...
LAUNCHING August 5, 2025

Inner Body Awareness and Communication

Seems like most believe that what goes on under our skin is a mystery and it is just what it is...well...think again. We are in constant communication on the cellular and sub-atomic level with this whole being that we reside in on this Earth journey. It is time to open up the owner's manual and tinker a bit. Come on!
LAUNCHING May 6, 2025

The End of the Way It Was

What used to be is not the way it has to be. We have been programmed that we are much like a tumbleweed blown by the winds of fate and birth circumstance. Yawn!...What was, was simply a response to what was before, arriving to open your eyes and heart to what can be. It is time that we learned to jettison beliefs and energetic residue to navigate the new waters of in the Now to create the living moments that we are designed to embrace.
LAUNCHING May 5, 2026

The Process of Unraveling

Pieces of living choices and subsequent actions held together by adopted beliefs that become devotionals...ah, life as we knew/know it. Not so fast. The core has left a bread crumb trail to reaccess your perfect template of I Am That I Am Expressing As Me. I would say that it is time to unravel and reclaim and live the simple and profound Truth of You. Are you up for that?
LAUNCHING January 13, 2026

Integrated Alchemy: A New Coaching/Mentoring Method

Too many coaches give the company line to their charges and fail to engage the unique frequency and design of each of them. That is so last year...this remarkable new "coaching/mentoring method" will give you the tools to empower your clients and lead them home to their own precious and eternal design. Are you ready to learn the tools necessary to facilitate this and become the new facilitator of life for those who resonate with you? OK...let's go and build the foundation that will give you a new career.
LAUNCHING October 13, 2026

Circle of Giving and Receiving

If you have been moved by the music of Mark Stanton Welch, or have been impacted by his writings, classes, courses, or workshops then please consider gifting his personal mission to assist him in his travels, events, and new recordings. It is a powerful and conscious way to support the higher vibration music finding its way into the world on a grander scale. Every donation is an affirmation in a more loving, connected, empowered, and peaceful world. Click the gift to access details on your gifting. And thank you in advance for your generous support...

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