We have become a bread crumb trail...pieces of us strewn along the highway of time and space leading from our incarnational moment to the breath we just took. Each crumb holds an energetic memory wrapped in a particular debris that contains the directives that we bought into...directives that become the way we live our moments. After a while we just became ignorant of who we really are because we bought into the weight and burden of our own misinformed dogma. Living as a shell of who we are became the result...so be it.
The good thing about a bread crumb trail is that it leads right back to the beginning, where we were the truth of our being incarnate. Yes, that template, that knowing, is still there...waiting...for you to return. Unless you stop the forward progress and turn inward you will not return to that precious one...and, of course, that is always a choice.
Now, you can choose to unravel. You can dismantle the misinformation contained in the trapped energetics of moments lived and swallowed and stored for God knows what...it is just what people do, right? Not unless they have learned to do so (like most of humanity has). Unravel, you say? You mean I can take this knot of experiential worms and find my way back home to my template of I Am That I Expressing As Me? Yes, Grasshopper... unraveling....reentering pivotal event points of choice and providing a remedy for the what once was. To consciously become That Which I Have Always Been and live in that frequency is the intention here.
Sound like something you want to do? Need to do? Are scared of? Then you are ready, my friend. This won't destroy, this unraveling....no, it will give you back the you that knows the big picture. Why not live in that place from now on?!
Of course, it is up to you...you could always trudge along like our friend in the picture below, eventually becoming immobile, trapped in the comfort zone you have come to know so well (er, personal prison)... I know the choice I would make...come on...join me on this absolute adventure.
Check out the 11 session topics and see if they resonate...then sign up and get moving inward. This is going to be a mind blower...
Class starts in January 2026. Follow the link below left to register for the experience and the adventure
First three sessions are free. If you choose to continue the course then the fee of $80 for the rest will be required. You can also access single classes of your choice for $10 each. Mark will lead the participants through each session providing more information, insight, experience, and answer questions.
Or, for a one time investment of $30 you can have access to all of the sessions to move at your own pace without Mark's assistance.
LAUNCHING in January 2026