
Circle of Giving
and Receiving
Most of my creations were a personal investment in  experiencing, understanding, and integrating my own moments of living. When I write songs I have learned to serve the vibration of the unfolding moment. They serve the spirit of creation mostly. Sure I may have an assignment to write but, even then, I usually wait until I can feel the energy gathering to feed the event for which I am writing. It is a privilege to serve that wave of Light that always delivers. My writings serve my awareness. I research to gain information to ignite inner awareness and birth insight. The process itself opens me up more and helps me ingest the richer life all around. That what I have penned in service of the greater good is connected to by others listening and feeling, is a grand and glorious gift. And for them to take time to let me know the impact...I am just so grateful...here is a sampling of what I have received as blessings through the years...
Mark Stanton Welch
Submit your own testimonial


to be added to this evolving list of personal experiences

with Mark's music, performances, courses, writings,

and personal mentorings


"I met you for the first time at Sonia's workshop 2 days ago. Your beautiful music and your magical voice left a profound impact on me. I memorized the lyrics as you made us sing along with you, and still can not get them out of my head. I sang your songs in my head on the flight back home, which was more relaxing than any meditations that I have ever done. I was just looking over the catalog of your CD's and I don't know which one to buy.  So I am thinking I should get them all"...Sophie

A Reawakening...

"Thank you, Mark, for re-awakening what I knew and introducing me to what I didn't. I am simply amazed and grateful for what transpired in just one encounter with your unconditional love and wisdom. Wow. I'm using your "Root" CD to reinforce and expand what I learned and continue to learn from you. I look forward to sharing this experience again"

-Will Anderson, Seattle

A Musical Talk...

“I have connected with your music for so long, but only recently heard you incorporate a talk during the Sunday service. I was impressed. You wove the music into the words and stories and content in a masterful way. It was deep and powerful and engaging. I felt it on many levels. Always loved your songs but now I get to hear how your voice works with just words. Wow! Voice overs?!The whole experience was personal and showed your comfort with emotion and the wounds of life. You shared it in such a genuine way that I not only felt connected to you but found myself feeling my own story. What a great release I had. Beautiful. Thank you!”
—Michael Dean
"I just can't express how much I enjoy your music. I bought three tapes from you and have been listening to them every chance I get, mostly in the car on my long drive to and from work. Even my 6 year old son likes your music. He'll dance around to the tape, My Oh My, which happens to be my favorite also. The song, "Testimony", is my very favorite. I think I could listen to it all day long. It gets my spirit soaring, has me singing along, and fills my heart just full of love."...Erika...Glendale, Arizona

"She gave me your new Holy Café and True Balance CDs while she was here over Christmas vacation. I haven't even started listening to True Balance yet because I am so hooked on Holy Café!  It is absolutely wonderful, you have reached a new level of brilliance. I have been just letting it run in my car (like a loop) so I have gotten to know every word and nuance. (we live in the sticks so I do a lot of long distance driving)."..Chris

"Your music is an absolute gift. I am a veterinarian who works with horses and dolphins. I play your music when I am with horses and it "feels" to play an important part in all that is going on. Thank you, thank you, thank you." Heartfelt blessings, Carol  
Hi Mark Stanton Welch,
I really enjoyed your chant workshop. Lovely performance, congenial, so well done.
I've been making up songs on my own (words or just noises) with a drum, and it was neat to incorporate more ideas into them. 

I thought you'd enjoy hearing what other benefits I received:

--You didn't know why you were going off on tangents, like, about using your birth name.... I changed mine over 10 years ago and I fiercely refused to speak or think my birth name then. A couple weeks ago I quit trying to wall off that part of me and I brought her adult self into "my fold". (the old dysfunctional family saga)
--You were singing about strength, which I didn't relate to particularly. But that is one more thing I took with me and it is a growing, solidifying sense.
--You also said we would be raised to a higher vibration--okay, sure.  When I went to work Monday morning (since I'm still not free of that) I sat down and had a clear and detached awareness of my own participation and contribution to my current situation. This detached observation has continued. Being able to see my own role in things allows more choices. Very, very cool.

So, once again, thank you. I think you might be a great healer in a very humble package.
Best regards,
Mary Starz

A Resource...

Mark, after hosting a few of your workshops and home concerts, I want to extend my gratitude to you for the impact you have had on the attendees and me. Friends are still thanking me for inviting them from as long as 2 years ago due to the changes they’ve made in their lives after obtaining new clarity, opening their hearts more, increasing well-being, healing, and generally getting outside their own boxes. Thank you for being such a caring, rare, and gifted resource to others!

Blessings, Jan Asbjornsen

My Musical Friend...

"Your music has been a true friend. Over the years I have struggled with love and affection not only from my family but myself. It led me to leading a life filled with rebellion, anger, and pain. I cant tell tell you how much your music has helped me. There have been times where id like to just throw my hands in the air and call it quits, and then id hear one of your songs, cry it out and suddenly feel at peace. I don't have many people who i may lean on, and that is why i call your music my friend. When no one was there your music was, so thank you."
Love, Alana

Changes Afoot...

Hi Mark,
I want you to know that you've changed my life. And through you and me, the history of American Psychiatry as we know is about to RADICALLY change.

I ran across your CD in a used bookstore in Palo Alto about 10 days ago. It set off the completion of a radical spiritual awakening. I and the world are forever grateful.

Keep doing your thing!

Happy girl

Physical Impact...

"I received the gift of your offering of sound today at Sonia's workshop. I thanked you for the very important work you are doing at the end. I bought 2 of your CD's and I've got to tell you that "my cup runneth over!" My body has been suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for nearly 30 years now. I feel supercharged and overjoyed with a surge of life and love - I completely forgot what that feeling was like! Thank you Mark for your bright sparkling light - sometimes being contagious is a good thing!!"...Jill

A Personal Testimony...

The process of doing spiritual mentoring with Mark has been life-changing. This amazing program opened the doors to so much new growth and development that affected every part of me. I particularly like the way in which Mark adapts the topics to your own life and what is going on with you in the present moment. This kind of personalization is rare in the field of personal growth. Mentoring one on one with Mark is a powerful experience, and I guarantee that you will emerge from these sessions with renewed energy, renewed hope, a deeper sense of purpose, and a clearing away of all the inner debris that has been holding you back from realizing your dreams. I highly recommend this program.

-Sharon Lindenburger

A Trio of Reflections...

"Like medicine to my soul, in your songs I found myself gently and gracefully being ushered home to the place of Light and what is right. Like children, all the songs are loved for their unique magic. So all are my favorite. Certain phrases stand out as affirmations as I go through my days."... Jan...New York City

"I can't tell you how much your CD, True Balance, has meant to me. It helped me to so perfectly facilitate my process. I can't stop listening to it. It is the best I've heard you do. I'm listening to it right now, in fact. The harmonies are so beautiful. The words are just what I needed to hear."...Matt...Anaheim, CA

I wanted to thank you for creating the song "If I Weren't Afraid". Every word in the song resonates with me. I just finished listening to it again and it has such an impact on me. It will be an integral part of my 'spiritual pathway'!
...Nancy...Boston, MA


It is my desire to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for all that you have put into the Tools For The Times course. It has been such a beautiful, magical, and mystical journey. I have learned so much, and honestly, at times I was just blown away by the magnitude of it a all. I can easily say that I am not the same person that began this course, I am forever changed.

I feel so blessed and grateful to be alive during your current incarnation, as I have connected with your work and music so deeply. I feel so excited to have been a part of this.

I always looked forward to Tuesday nights in anticipation of the teachings and magic I would receive. I must say that I felt a sadness that this was coming to an end and the tears just came.  Tuesday nights will never be the same!

So, I want to say thank you. Thank you for sharing yourself with us the way that you did, it was so beautiful. Thank you for always showing up for us, especially the times when you really did not want to. Thank you for the many hours of work that you put into this course. It has been nothing short of amazing.

In the next week it is my intention to submit a testimonial to you for this journey I have been on.
Sending you good energy and hugs,

Kimberly and Precious too


...your music has had such an impact on my life as well as my families'. My husband and I met you at Goldbar several years ago. We have literally worn out your Holy Café CD. The music is so uplifting and inspirational that we start each day with it. I've incorporated it into my morning routine. I really relate to "Angels Laughing” and am soothed by, “I'm as God Made Me”. Obviously, as a Mother, I enjoy “Mother's Love” hoping that one day, my son will know just how precious he is and will always be...and of course, if only the world would order from the menu at the Holy Café, we'd be in a much better place.. Anyways, I just want you to know how much your music has impacted our lives! Thank you so much for your contributions to our happiness!! We love you!!!”...Barbara, Goldbar, WA


Many, indeed most, of the issues in our lives that present as "problems" or "barriers" to becoming who we can be, originate in our inner child, in the child we once were and who still lives inside us as a crucial part of our being. All creativity and all imagination have their origins in the inner child. However, all our woundings, disappointments, fears, and traumas most often stem from childhood experiences or from adult experiences that trigger strong memories in the inner child. Mark's two Inner Child programs address the Inner Child's processes directly. These programs create a safe space for the wounded inner child to come forward to reclaim his or her power and the sense of original blessing with which we are all born. I did both of the Inner Child programs, and as a result, I find that not only can I communicate with my Inner Child, but also I can give the Child the nurturance he or she needs to fully grow into the magnificence of who he/she truly is....the I am that I am expressing as me. I wholeheartedly recommend doing Inner Child work with Mark. It is a deep and transformative process that will uncover beautiful gifts within you that you didn't realize are there. The little one in you will jump in joy!--Sharon Lindenburger

And Perhaps, One of the Most Important Sharing Gifts of Them All...

"My Father is a healer / he travels the globe with his reminders of unconditional love and Power | he is an unmatched vocalist / instrumentalist / songwriter - with ability that expands in an unlimited fashion | in choosing each other for this lifetime we committed to growing together / I am ever in awe of his forever desire to further release and evolve | as a cosmic encyclopedia, an accomplished writer, a dynamic entertainer, a master conversationalist - he has lived among this planet in grace and intensity - leaving definable imprints of intention and power in the hearts and minds of thousands | serving as a spiritual guide for all my many experiences, never failing to pick up the phone at any hour in support of my many moments / transitions / ideas / leaps / successes / relationships

Ever present in facilitating my grounding and balance and Powerful forward movement / I have never been told that I was incapable of anything - and because of this, my innate belief that all is possible remained fully intact | There is no way to fully appreciate this man for all that he is - linear communication seems not to be apt. We've been connected for eons past and forward and I am aware that his "self" is highly vibrating on many planes of existence simultaneously / but you know, thanks for the songs you've written for me, the letters you've composed for each of my birthdays - marking my growth and validating my warrior ways, for the bouquet of flowers when I first started my period, the trips we've taken around the globe, for reminding me that it's okay to cry and encouraging the channeling of my many strong emotions through art, creation, connection and word, for imparting upon me the knowledge of the Universe and providing me with new language of love and affirmation to foster fertile ground for my life to come, for facilitating my affiliation based affinity for Bay Area sports teams, Rolling Rock, walks on cliffs, spiritual practice, self awareness, honor, humor, timing, trust and Love."

Happy Father's Day, Dad. There is no one else like you on this planet. Your music, teachings, and healing work will be referenced and experienced for all of time, far after you've chosen to depart this realm. And I will help to keep the legacy of your work in continuum through my own creations, utilizing myself as a conduit for all that you have taught / continue to teach me. I am ever grateful for the expansive, diverse ways in which our connection has and will continue to take form. Thank you for all you have given me.
-Gabriela Marguerite Welch
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