Spread the Music

Circle of Giving
and Receiving
“...your music has had such an impact on my life as well as my families'. My husband and I met you at Goldbar several years ago. We have literally worn out your Holy Cafe CD. The music is so uplifting and inspirational that we start each day with it. I've incorporated it into my morning routine. I really relate to "Angels Laughing” and am soothed by, “I'm as God Made Me”. Obviously, as a Mother, I enjoy “Mother's Love” hoping that one day, my son will know just how precious he is and will always be...and of course, if only the world would order from the menu at the Holy Cafe, we'd be in a much better place.. Anyways, I just want you to know how much your music has impacted our lives! Thank you so much for your contributions to our happiness!! We love you!!!”...Barbara, Goldbar, WA
I personally invite you to explore and listen to the music of Mark Stanton Welch. His creations are self empowering and help me to remember I am so much more than the circumstances in which I find myself. His songs are singable and memorable.I find that they are often companions throughout my day.

They seem to enter my consciousness at just the right time, just when I need them. His songs are like friends
that travel with me hand in hand

Visit Mark’s web site catalog at

Mark Stanton Welch

for all of his creations available online through PayPal
or as immediate downloads.

Get Mark’s music and you will know why I want to share it...may all of your moments
be a blessing.

“Open to the possible,
expect to receive
Trust the life there within you every moment
Act and you will be
Dancing freely in the oneness,
living out the dream
Tasting every morsel this life has to offer
Become harmony”
- from  O.E.T.A.

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Share the Music of Mark Stanton Welch

...with endless gratitude and blessings.
"I want to let you know that when you played the song, Born, I was moved in a way that I can't explain. You touch my soul and I can finally put words to the feeling I have had for the past three years...I love the simple words of your music that mean so much...
"Like medicine to my soul, in your songs I found myself gently and gracefully being ushered home to the place of Light and what is right. Like children, all the songs are loved for their unique magic. So all are my favorite. Certain phrases stand out as affirmations as I go through my days."... Jan...New York City

Musical Prescriptions

click to explore
I hope you are intrigued by the music... how it can actually assist in raising your personal vibration clearing old energetic debris in the process. The power of music to usher us into a more balanced state has always been there. When you combine the melody, the lyric, the rhythm, the key, the chord structure, the harmonization, and intention in conscious, focused ways, you end up with a vibrational healing device that can serve you in profound ways. Stick around and listen and notice what happens. Just for the fun of it...just for the sake of remembering who you are...just for the sake finding a new pathway home...

Mark Stanton Welch

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Copyright 2021-23. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise noted.