When I penned my first conscious life affirming song in 1987 after I joined Unity Church in San Luis Obispo, California, I tapped into a fire that would continue to burn...now going on 31 years.
"Deep in the heart of you,
the very core of you
A little light shines
brighter than the brightest star
And if you listen,
it will tell you of the Universe..."
I Am, copyright 1987. Mark Stanton Welch.
It was also at this time when I first caught a glimpse of a bigger vision that, at the time, made little sense to me and the current consciousness I carried. Until...
Over the years as I wrote song after song I found myself in transformation, waking up to a deep inner knowing that much of what I had been shown and taught about the world, about life, about me was less than accurate. Each song seemed to shed light on a growing awareness that was part of a much larger awakening. When others heard the music, they connected to it and remembered they were more than they had allowed. The journey fed itself it seemed.
I found myself sharing music with children and turned my gaze more deeply inward to the child in me who was in dire need of recognition. My own child started to remember who he was and wanted to be around the children more. So, I shared music at camps and retreats with little ones to teenagers, all the while noticing how the generations were wiser and clearer. I learned about the power of the short, repetitive song that made content and idea easy and fun to learn. I learned how repeated statements, known as affirmations, could drastically alter the inner landscape and impact how life showed up. This led me to exploring chant, and mantra, and creating more of what I called, intentional songs.
Phase One
Be home consistently for sustained amounts of time to create and build my Music for Every Soul business. California's Central Coast is one of the most powerful and beautiful locations in the world. It is an energetic destination that can heal. I want to make it the home base for me where people can come for their support, their expansion, their reawakening. I intend to reduce my monthly travel to allow the building of the extensive foundation here, which will be somewhat fleshed out below.
Music Recordings. Create time and space away from traveling to sustain what is needed to make quality recordings. I have a CD, Be Love See Love, that supports the work with teens, in progress. I have initiated the beginnings of finishing the Chakra Immersions Series (Chakras 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7). I will then pitch the entire project to Sounds True and Hay House. Then, there is preliminary work in progress on all the full length songs I wrote during the time between 2012 and now...songs of profound change, songs of awakening, songs of trusting and flowing, songs that the world could really use.
Create YouTube Channel. It is time that I got serious about the social media platforms. To this end I am setting up the capacity to create short videos for on chants, mantras, intentional songs, weekly gratitudes and more. This will also allow me to start doing personal mentorings and classes on Skype and other visual media.
Publish Course Writings. Currently, I have five different projects: Weekly Gratitudes, Living in De Light, Spiritual Mentoring Process, Inner Child Mentoring Process, and Tools for the Times that just need to be formatted for posting on Amazon. Sustained time is needed to do this.
Phase Two
Beginning in early 2026, Phase Two builds upon all of this and starts to expand out to the national and international markets.
Here is some of what I intend:
Hire a Personal Assistant to handle the expanding business elements of Music for Every Soul. Put into motion teaching/facilitating at national new thought centers like Esalen Institute, Omega Institute, Brightenbush, and more. Also, explore presenting and performing at New Age conferences and events such as Body, Mind Spirit, Conscious Life Expo, Trade Show for Conscious Living, and Mishka Productions Celebrate Your Life.
Develop local network/client base through events that are also attractive to a national and international audience: Good Vibes Celebration, Rebirth of I Am, Higher Purpose 5 Day Retreats, and Sound Waves Inner Mystery School.
Continued branding of Music for Every Soul
Maintain, feed, and Expand Social Media presence
Establish consistent presence on Internet radio, even creating Music for Every Soul Radio.