Navigating the 2024 and Beyond
Reawakening and Transformational Times
Please click the red icon in each box to be taken to the page and the information.

Some Higher Frequency Perspectives

Things ain't what they used to be. The long standing limiting ideas and actions that basically imprisoned the bulk of humanity are dismantling and being dis-integrated from your cellular and energetic structure. In that profound and timely release it is necessary to replace the drivel with higher frequency truths. So, here you go, my friend...

Visions of a New World

Indeed, a new world is transforming within and without us, taking shape before our eyes. As we choose to hold the higher frequencies we shall facilitate a life affirming loving world. Here are some visions of what that can and shall be.

Personalized Mentoring Support

Let Mark mentor you through your current moments until you remember and apply who you truly are and have always been. Follow the link and explore just what that looks like...

Streaming Intentional Concerts

These new times have provided new opportunities to share my music in expansive ways beyond touring and small group sharing. The virtual world of Zoom and You Tube and the like have opened doors to exposing music to the world. During the first stay-in-place I started doing weekly intentional music concerts sharing new music being created as well as thematic collections for my existing creations. Make these concerts a part of your reawakening. You will be delighted with how they can assist your own reawakening.

Streaming Chant, Mantra, and Intentional Songs

Chant and mantra help to shift the inner focus to higher vibrational energy and topics. Intentional songs are created for specific purpose and are fed by repetition. These three elements fed the streaming singalong concerts that were part of the early stay in place days. New concert singalongs will inaugurate in Summer 2024.

Song Sets for Youth Singing

My 20 plus years of working with youth in the New Thought movement has delivered a lot of music that empowers the listener and the singer. During stay-in-place I started doing weekly concerts for younger children to help support their home experience to remind them of their own bigger picture. Explore those concerts here. Also, follow the link at the top of the page to the Song Sets for Teens.

Podcasts Portal

I have got a lot to say...information and actions that will assist you in remembering your own magnificence and remind you of the ever expanding big picture. Check them out and start to listen to many ongoing podcasts.

Launching early 2025
stay tuned!

Virtual Offerings

We are in a new time and space. The changes are touching every corner of life. What used to be in person events have now become virtual via Zoom and other platforms. Even though there is some opening to return to what used to be normal there is still a need and an opportunity for continuing with virtual musical sharings, concerts, classes, workshops, and community building. Explore how I may be able to serve your organization with a variety of conscious offerings intended to raise the collective vibration to empower our inner and outer connections.

Additional One to One Services

Ready to get some powerful and pointed support during these times? Check out the variety of additional ways that I can assist you on your journey.

Circle of Giving and Receiving

If you have been moved by the music of Mark Stanton Welch, or have been impacted by his writings, classes, courses, or workshops then please consider gifting his personal mission to assist him in his travels, events, and new recordings. It is a powerful and conscious way to support the higher vibration music finding its way into the world on a grander scale. Every donation is an affirmation in a more loving, connected, empowered, and peaceful world. Click the gift to access details on your gifting. And thank you in advance for your generous support...
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Copyright 2021-23. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights reserved.
Unless otherwise noted.