
Visions of a New World

This Reawakening section is a potpourri of relevant information and activity intended to provide you with higher frequency opportunities to trigger your own deeper remembering. This will shift and clear the baggage that has kept you recycling limitation. These times are lifting us on all levels energetically to be open and receptive to the Celestial frequencies that are restructuring us all. The energy comes in as information in these ramping up days because humanity has chosen to be more devoted to the Mind than to their own Whole Being. So be it...

The Cosmos is meeting us where we are and delivering cellular invitations to shed the restrictive concepts bought into and allow the design to blossom and flourish. Choosing to navigate this section as you choose, reading, listening, and doing will be just what is needed to lift you out of what was and place you on the flowing river of I Am That I Am Expressing As Me.
Once the Celestial Harmonic Convergence occurred in August of 1987 humanity was launched into a sweeping wave of change that has spiraled into these current times of dismantling. And for many, it feels and seems out of control and way too scary. Of course, it is, but that is the point. The old ways of the Piscean Age do not resonate or harmonize with the New Aquarian energies that are quickly making manifest in us all, including the Earth. Much no longer works in these new frequencies and so it must be released, and in some cases make room for the Love that is leading to the Oneness...finally. We are in the arms of the kind of change that most never even dreamed of or even considered. It will not stop. On personal and collective levels there is profound shifting. The way it was is not the way it is. The changes are massive and will lift us all into a reclamation of our own Divine Design.

It can be useful to get some insight into what that all means by exploring some scenarios that are revealing themselves. Let them open you and inspire you and activate your own visions. These sharings come from my two year course and current new book, Living As If Already Whole. If you are moved and want to experience more the book can be ordered at the bottom of this page. The Celestial reawakening is upon us all. Use the ever growing resources that are dropping in and showering us with reminders of the Truth of Our Being. Enjoy the read...let it do its work within you.


The Stirring of the Aquarian Soup


So, here we stand at the profound Celestial crossroads that separates the way it was and the way it is.  The current reboot is incomplete to say the least. Free will has exerted a mighty push back as individuals cling to their comfort zone loyalties that truly only isolate and limit their remembering of  the greater truth of their own I Am That I Am Expressing As Me. And still, the sun rises on the new day revealing bit by bit the connection and compassion humanity holds for itself despite the eons of programming that our differences justify our judgment and actions of finding fault and acting on it with righteous belief.


A presidential election in the US is taking on the classic good versus evil veneer as the old ways handcuff themselves to the fear filled devotees of the Piscean Hierarchy male-dominated- power/money-grabbing-my-way-or-the-highway strategies that made much of human life so miserable for so long. But, as they say, misery loves company. And many are indeed, poising themselves to become NRA poster children as the past failures are pried from their cold, dead hands… thank you, Charlton Heston.


The worst of humanity is poised against the Cosmic Love Template that defines us all to varying degrees of conscious awareness. The metaphor of war is in its last grasp as sides in opposition posture and kill for a belief that has been their own personal program and to perpetuate the investment in the good ol’ Doctrine of Limitations that just does not want to go away. Us versus them is in full display in this virus impacted world here at the end of Summer 2020.


But, nothing is as it seems…remember this Celestial postulate? And, if you want to ride the wave of transformation and reach the beach then keeping that in mind with a commitment to seeing the big picture is absolutely necessary. It is too easy to get distracted by the daily spectacle of flow versus resistance. Pay attention, be aware, feel, and take conscious action…your invitation to maintain and expand your personal vibration.


So, here, as we just dip our toes into the waters of this rapidly unfolding Aquarian Age, let’s take a visionary look at the what can be so that we can start to apply and integrate a higher frequency life in a world of magnificence. Yes, this is possible…probable…your committed belief is necessary, my friend. So, let’s paint some pictures of the what can be.


I have listed twenty or so elements of living consciously,here  below and in Session Action Eight. In each I shall simply list points in the order that they appear to me. I want to stir the pot and offer new directions to consider and massage within your own growing awareness. We each must find how we can integrate the best of us in the changes that are sweeping through this blue planet. Invest your presence and power into the vision that sings in you and move forward in conscious action to bring it or something better into fruition.


In this site into topic I will provide 7 visions. If you connect and want to experience more then I invite you to invest in the book, Living As If Already Whole, Book Four, where the rest can be found. Enjoy this exercise of seed planting the life beyond this now.




Change in the Now

  • Foundational element of living in these remarkable times. Having been invested in the illusion of control and normal and the way it has always been, we must overcome that devotion to become conscious and willing participants in the ever flowing vibration of change. Allowing this will ease the pitfalls of resistance that pepper our previous life’s path and prepare us to flow in spontaneous steps that appear in the succession of Nows. To overcome and walk the alive Now, we must pay attention to the nuances that reveal themselves often to our eyes only. Notice how you feel. Notice your body. Notice what goes on around you. Notice what happens when you notice. Notice where your thoughts go. Notice your response or reaction to the moment’s form. Noticing invites in change. As you become accustomed to the letting go into the flow your awareness will expand into the multi-dimensional spheres of revelation that are the gift of your actions.

  • Invite change in. This will remove the fear that comes from the protected life. Non-attachment follows which delivers the flexibility to honor your own insights, actions, and higher self delivered forms. In this flow you interface guidance with trust. You have unwavering faith that the moment is your friend devoted to easing you into living fully as you in all the forms that will be magnetized to your own altar of awareness. In this frequency there is no right or wrong, simply experience. In this panorama of possibility you, quite simply, thrive.


Self Care

  • A long forgotten and severely judged capacity, self-care steps to the forefront of keeping the organism well-tuned to be fully available to the gift of the moment. The more complete our personal self care the more we are aligned to access our full design. In this new paradigm we will jettison the labels of arrogant, narcissistic, and self-serving to realize that taking good care of self on all levels, physical, mental, and spiritual is the foundation of complete self-love (and this is the highest homage to Source we can offer up as we honor the Source Collective when we honor self).

  • After lifetimes of self-abuse and judgment we must learn how to nourish and nurture our whole self through conscious actions that ultimately open our own hearts to our design magnificence. Again, it starts with paying attention. Taking care of the body’s basic needs (water, food, air, sleep, touch) is a constant need to oversee and respond to. Monitoring thoughts and beliefs to assure that they are life affirming is an absolute must as the higher our vibration the better we get at manifesting in the moment. Self defeating thoughts and worn out beliefs will blossom more easily in these times…so we must weed the garden and replace the old with the higher frequency thoughts and affirmations and proclamations and beliefs. These must be massaged and maintained and acted upon to assist them in becoming the Now way it is. Consciously engaging your spiritual design and connections will expand your experience of the new now to deliver the expanded relationship with the I Am that is such an essential part of the Aquarian unfoldment.

  • We must learn to take care of our needs first as this prepares us to be fully present to the forms of the now that we draw to us. Doing so will begin to deliver  the reduction of pattern living that has perpetuated fear based living that separates rather than unites. Notice when you are thirsty and address it ASAP. Eat life affirming foods mostly. Breathe consciously and deeply, reclaiming the full lung capacity of the newborn. Rest and sleep regularly. Twenty minute power naps are quite effective. Self acknowledge and self appreciate. Get regular body touch through hugs, body work, and relationships.

  • Step off the self improvement train. The idea of self improvement is based on buying into the stereotype of being born in sin, less than others, one who must get better and improve to be equal to those who already have it (how did they get it?) When you start celebrating self and acknowledging your truths, the lower frequency thoughts, beliefs, and patterns will diminish and disappear.  Take stock of your existing skills. Develop the willingness to take action to see what comes up. In this you can revive misplaced or forgotten capacities. Becoming open to the idea that you arrive with all you will ever need to thrive is powerful. It retrains what you look for and see in you. The inside job is what is required, not seeking self proclaimed masters and gurus who will give you what they have for a price. This path is a treadmill to finding fault with self. Start with self acceptance of everything about you first and see what that reveals. Sure there are areas in all of us that have fallen short of who we are by design. But that is a temporary condition that can be reclaimed through heart based self love.

Some Additional Visions
(please click on the title to explore):








Graphic abstract design of concept of being emotionally or mentally set free. Simple, dramatic and dreamlike art composed of iconic butterflies, and opened window.

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