About Mark's Music

Guitar Playing Angel hovering over the planet
Red Heart held at front of torquoise shirt
Circle of Giving
and Receiving
"Your music has been a true friend. Over the years I have struggled with love and affection not only from my family but myself. It led me to leading a life filled with rebellion, anger, and pain. I cant tell tell you how much your music has helped me. There have been times where id like to just throw my hands in the air and call it quits, and then id hear one of your songs, cry it out and suddenly feel at peace. I don't have many people who I may lean on, and that is why I call your music my friend. When no one was there your music was, so thank you."
I wanted to thank you for creating the song "If I Weren't Afraid". Every word in the song resonates with me. I just finished listening to it again and it has such an impact on me. It will be an integral part of my 'spiritual pathway'! ...Nancy...Boston, MA

"Like medicine to my soul, in your songs I found myself gently and gracefully being ushered home to the place of Light and what is right. Like children, all the songs are loved for their unique magic. So all are my favorite. Certain phrases stand out as affirmations as I go through my days."... Jan...New York City

Mark with sound tools and guitar at Leona's TV show

Gold Shri Yantra over black background

In the beginning was the Word...the vibration of the All That Is...expressing. In these frequencies of Eternity the first song was created. The sub-atomic and atomic oscillations are the source code of the ongoing musical soup from whence creation rises. All vibration has sound. Subsequent frequencies/pitches from the original sounding carry the potential of composition as music. Honing one’s awareness to include this spectral band is a foundation element of the healing musician’s palette.

Music heals because it is specific intentional vibration with a rhythm, a pulse, pitch, a melody, a key, and a lyric, at times. The multi-dimensional evolution of sound gives the healing musician a sequence of tools to apply to personal composition and creation.


My music has all been thoughtfully created to serve intentional vibrational frequencies. As all is vibration, it follows that specific vibrations can serve specific purposes. The body is made up of atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, and systems all vibrating at certain frequencies that create form, function, and degree of alignment. When energy flow is restricted by the moments of living then vibrational frequencies change, usually diminishing. The restrictions create blockages which can create conditions that demand conscious attention for the purpose of clearing to return to the state of balance.

I write with vibrational intention to create results by resonating with the cells to stimulate them to realign. By choosing song keys that focus on the chakras, I am sending like frequencies to a place that holds the energetic remnants of the blockages. By further aligning rhythm, melody, harmony, and lyric, I provide a powerful medicine to invite and escort the body’s return to wholeness.


Each song is a specific tool that will address an energetic frequency. In a sense, it is an energetic musical prescription created to heal. By healing, I refer to the energetic baggage that we have stored within cell, tissue and memory, moments of living yet unexpressed. An intentional song, as I call my creations, focus on the energetic residue and through vibrational physics and higher frequency lyrics that residue is diminished and replaced with new thoughts. Listening to a song over and over allows the process to complete itself vibrationally. Likely, you will notice that you are not bothered by the issue anymore and that you are drawing new energy, experiences, and people to your external moments of living. Things change because you are no longer encumbered by the old energies that kept patterns and beliefs in place bringing forth the same ol, same ol.
Musical Prescriptions logo of guitar against green background
The Musical Prescription Sets are a complete immersion in the theme behind it. Listening to the songs regularly is powerful medicine. Singing along with them is the completion of a circle of intentional healing that will eventually replace systemic thoughts and behavioral patterns that contributed to the condition. Reclaiming health, balance, and center is a conscious choice that requires action. This music is the perfect companion for your reclamation project that will bring you home to You.

Look for the Musical Prescription Logo above for recordings that follow the principles of Sound Alchemy.
Verticsal Chakra symbols over human figure

This category focuses on music resources that will use intentional sound as an energetic tool. This means they have been created based on ancient and cutting edge sound healing principles and will be useful in assisting you to raise your personal vibration. They are intentional healing tools that will assist in energetic clearing, energy body balancing, pattern dissolving, and positive life-affirming mental programming. Their use will impact your body, emotions, mind, and spirit in high vibration ways. Increased usage produces increased results.

Golden water splash against sunset background

Over the years I have written and recorded a whole lot of music. It is created for personal use, for event support, for youth work, for special situations, for individuals, etc. I have over 30 CDs that comprise what I call Core CDs, original creations that stand alone. In order to organize the songs energetically, I came up with the theme idea. Songs of like vibration, topic, and focus put together can create an empowered experience that addresses the theme. Each of the Theme Series collections pulls from the Core Series and sets a unique frequency. I use these as Musical Medicine.

You Have the Power CD Cover with little girl riding a brown bear

This category reflects lots of creations that have fed thousands of children of all ages. The new generations are very high frequency beings. It is our task as adults to assist in keeping their inner knowing intact so they can flower into the powerful ones they are...destined to help this world rise out of the old limited thinking and believing prison. Use these recordings to assist your children as well as your self. Doing so will slow down your aging...honest!


I hope you are intrigued by the music... how it can actually assist in raising your personal vibration clearing old energetic debris in the process. The power of music to usher us into a more balanced state has always been there. When you combine the melody, the lyric, the rhythm, the key, the chord structure, the harmonization, and intention in conscious, focused ways, you end up with a vibrational healing device that can serve you in profound ways. Stick around and listen and notice what happens. Just for the fun of it...just for the sake of remembering who you are...just for the sake of finding a new pathway home...
Mark Stanton Welch
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