Rebirth of I AM

A Profound Inner Adventure on the  California Central Coast
These profound times of change have instigated an inner calling to return home to the magnificent truth of your Being. Most likely you have read the books, attended the classes, visioned and intended and still you yearn. You long to put all the pieces together, assimilate the learnings, and finally bring about the inner peace and joy you know you deserve. Yet, you still seek guidance.

The Universe has felt your yearnings and has helped to manifest a unique and cutting edge one to one process to integrate your inner and outer realities.

Journey to the spectacular Central Coast of California on the leading edge of the Pacific Plate, where ideas and weather are birthed, where the past fades with each sunset, where the vibration is cleansed by the cooperative union of earth, water, and air, where the sun bathes you in the ever present power and clarity that is yours by birthright.

20% Discount through
       March 31, 2025

Click for details and to secure
“This has been, indeed, a pivotal experience for me. Each day unfolded in a magical way as we found just the right locations to amplify my inner experience. The land helped me to release some very difficult childhood experiences. Mark’s guidance was sensitive and safe and inspired. He really knows how to guide deep work in the moment. The afternoon  sound sessions expanded the morning’s revelations. When we climbed the mountain on the last day to launch my intentions I knew I was in an incredible new vibration...and 2 months later it has not left me. I was even able to make some very necessary changes when I returned home. I simply feel more powerful and centered and authentic!. You must do this journey with Mark!”

-Iiris Irmaly Bjornberg, December 2009 traveler

Allow sound alchemist and vibration specialist, Mark Stanton Welch, to personally walk hand in hand with you guiding you on a three day journey to integrate your past, empower and solidify your present, and clarify and launch your tomorrow.

This unique experience is available to only eleven people each year. You are invited to make your way to the artistic seaside hamlet of Cambria where each day you will be met at 9 AM for a drive to an intuited natural location to explore and release that which has been holding you back. After lunching with Mark at some local restaurant you will be soothed and expanded with sound as you assimilate the morning’s work into a clear path forward. After the two three hour sessions you are free to experience the evening on your own with rest, relaxation, reflection, journaling, and some homework.

This one of a kind, intuited experience is spontaneously designed to support you in the rebirthing of your Divine I AM Self.
Extend your stay and visit some of the many attractions on the Central Coast: California missions, over 200 wineries, elephant seal preserve, Hearst castle, Big Sur, state parks,  universities, and more.

You can continue on the familiar path and get mixed results...or you can take advantage of the massive influx of energy pouring in from the benevolent universe and immerse yourself in doing something completely different. Join me in this organic, spontaneous adventure that is just for you. Treat yourself to a quality experience and let me travel with you on a road less traveled to jump start this new you. You deserve to be honored and celebrated and blessed. Pick a season and a month to come.

Be one of the eleven people in 2023 who truly Rebirth The I me now: 1.805.927.2416.

The Central Coast of California is referred to as the Middle Kingdom. With one of the most scenic coastlines anywhere it is a constantly changing resource for cleansing and empowering vibration and energy. Cambria combines the sea with the forest and the mountains to create a best-of environment that feeds the soul and provides profound healing support. It is an ideal place for transformation and to launch a new life...
to help you decide if the mentoring is for you

Day One allows the release of past blocks

  • Day Two integrates the past learnings with the strengths and talents you currently
  • Day Three launches your intentions majestically and magnetically to begin drawing your greatest desires to you.
  • Mornings and afternoons are on location as determined by guidance.
  • We will lunch together at one of Cambria's fine eateries.
  • All experiences are photographed and recorded by audio or video.
  • Additional days and experiences can be added by arrangement.
  • You will experience energetic cleansings, spontaneous guidance, intuited sound and vibration shifts via mantra treatment, chants, songs.
  • You will receive a personalized seven song inspired concert of Mark’s creations.
  • You will have the opportunity to reconnect consciously with your inner child and thus reclaim the Truth of Your Being.
  • You will receive a personalized support cd of Mark’s music in alignment with the specific issues that arose.
  • Multiple opportunities will be provided for quiet, restful, self care.
  • You will be guided in creating a personal nurturing care tool kit.
  • You will be given a self care resource list.

You will have access to additional sessions by arrangement  with a variety of healers and body workers and therapists.


  • 3 day one on one guided experience is $1650 (travel, lodging. and meals separate)
  • Current discount of $330 through March 31, 2025. Contact Mark to secure this price
  • Additional days working with Mark at $500/day
  • Payment Plans Available
  • Or 6 payments via Pay Pal (for details click on box to the right)
  • Or email your interest and contact information
  • All major credit cards accepted

You are responsible for your lodging and food, though lunch  and snacks are provided on the days we are in session. A variety of hotels on the beach, in the forest, or downtown are available. Special deals can be had at select locations, though influenced by seasonal demands.

California Hotels

Trip Advisor

Visiting Cambria

Cambria Hotel Deals

Cambria Restaurants

Cambria Travel: Before You Go

You are responsible for all travel to Cambria, California. Flights to San Luis Obispo, CA are available via United, American, and Alasks Air. I would encourage car rental to have freedom to explore the area in the evenings and on extra days.

Remember: book flights to SBP

Cambria Flights

United Air Lines

Alaska Airlines

American Airlines



20% Discount through
     March 31, 2025

Click for details and to secure
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