Inner Child Mentoring

Personalized Higher Perspective Guidance and Support
Check out the brand new Inner Child Mentoring
four volume Manuals and Workbooks
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Available Now
Inner Child Mentoring
Resource Kit on a USB Flash Drive
Contents include:

Inner Child Mentoring Book One and companion workbook
in PDF format

MP3 CD: The Art of Self Care (double CD)

MP3 CD: Deep December

MP3 CD: Peace Will Fill the World

MP3 CD: Celestial Truths

MP3 CD: Wise Child

Additional Reflective and Informational Writings focusing on
Inner Child elements

Winter Time of Rebirth Self Care Resource Kit

Investment: $55 plus shipping
click to explore and order

Within each of us is a precious inner child, born in a state of perfect awareness, alive with the blueprint of balance and alignment. Moments of living and familial and cultural influences have energetically compromised the true state of clarity and buried us under a sea of fear, doubt, frustration, and a disempowering belief system. Moving in the shadow of our pure potential we live out our days....wishing and hoping we could answer the deep inner call that is forever whispering, “come home!”

Well...the Universe has heard the call and is answering in this unparalleled time of transition. Energetically, we are each being bathed in a Light and energy that is purpose bound: to clear away that which is unlike our true vibration, that which is compromising our true expression, allowing us to reclaim our magnificence and walk this dimension in the presence and power of our design. Essentially, we are being given a restart.
The beautiful inner child work begun in the 80’s has evolved and is now revealing new information we are vibrationally ready and able to hear. The child self lives within!...always has and always will. This magnificent, perfect being carries the blueprint of our immortal energetic Self. It is time to turn our attention and intention to freeing and nurturing and re-educating this precious one. Doing so will change everything and allow us to participate fully in this Earth Life.

On the wings of this Universal cleansing we can take back the loving power of who we are and open to the truth of what has been given us by birth. The cleansing is occurring, but the nature of it is simply to clear our energetic woundings and let us reconnect with our own innate wisdom to claim our own path. It is a journey of grand proportions!

And every journey could use a guide, a companion, a fellow traveler, to expand the experience multi-dimensionally into a profound adventure.  
I invite you to let me be your guide home...your mentor to assist you in re-establishing a fully functional loving, nurturing relationship with your child within. An experienced mentor can give you insight, show you the pitfalls, encourage you, listen and support, empower, and celebrate your return.

Inner Child Mentoring is a unique process born out of my own woundings and my deep and winding journey of re-awakening. I was not surprised that after all the work I had completed I would wind up right back where I began. Yet, this time I have an awesome awareness of who I Am. Re-connecting with my Inner Child Self has allowed me to cleanse fear and doubt, to remove the yoke of unexpressed anger, to lay down the cloak of sadness and lack of value, to claim my creativity and abundance and joy, to finally know that I am safe and will not be left behind again. It has made all the difference in my moments and allows me to feel peace and happiness in ways I had only intentioned before.
Inner Child Mentoring Investment: $897  (special discount price) 
(payment plans available)
9 week experience
Work with 4 clients only each 9 week cycle
Online resources and exercises

Weekly one hour phone teaching/ mentoring/application

Inner Child Mentoring Applied Investment: $1000
(payment plans available)
20 week experience
Must complete Inner Child Mentoring Course before eligible for Applied
Work with 2 clients only each 20 week cycle
Online resources and exercises

Weekly one hour phone teaching/ mentoring/application

Inner Child Mentoring

This is a nine week experience. It is fed by online pages with information and instruction and activities. You and I will have a one hour phone teaching session each week by arrangement. You shall also have two ½ hour phone sessions for check in and problem solving available each week by arrangement. Email contact will also be available.


The nine week coming home process will have the following sessions:

  • Reclaiming the Perfect State


  • Communication methods with the Inner Child


  • Clarifying the role of the Adult, Nurturing Parent, and Protective Parent


  • Embracing both the Vulnerable Child and the Angry Child


  • Clearing the wounds, broken promises, and misinformation of childhood


  • Replacing worn out Belief Systems


  • Loving Care for the Inner Child


  • Living Fully as Adult and Child


  • Maintaining the New Way of Being


Please note, that  though there is general information provided in the online information and activities, the process will be a very individualized experience based upon your unique history and unfolding requirements..

20% Package Discount from through
March 31, 2025
Click for details and to secure

Click to Login to Inner Child mentoring Session Information

This course is for exploration and educational purposes only. No part of it is to be taken to treat, diagnose, address, or heal any physical, emotional, or mental disease. You are encouraged to seek professional care from a medical practitioner of your choice for all issues pertaining to your personal health and well being. All information and techniques included here are for the purposes of learning about and experiencing your own energy and energy field. No responsibility or liability is accepted for your choices to apply any or all of this book to your life

Inner Child Mentoring



  Mentoring Session Topics Block One

  • Course Overview and Introduction of Tools
  • Clearing and Re-Educating Ages 0-7
  • Clearing and Re-Educating Ages 8-14
  • Clearing and Re-Educating Ages 15-21
  • Clear and Re-program Chakra Turning Points
  • Emotion 1: The Nature and Integration of Fear
  • Emotion 2: The Nature and Integration of Anger
  • Emotion 3: The Nature and Integration of  Sadness/Grief
  • Emotion 4: Emotional Nuances and Beyond
  • Emotion 5: The Nature and Integration of Joy

         Mentoring Session Topics Block Two

  • Celebration of Personal Achievements
  • Solidifying Personal Value and Balancing Self  Esteem
  • Re-igniting Imagination and Wonder
  • Energetic Tools for the Physical Journey
  • Reclaiming Eonic Time… the Infinite Now
  • Deep Core Clearing 1
  • Deep Core Clearing 2
  • Unleashing the Creative Flow
  • Connecting in Relationship and Shoring Up Personal Boundaries
  • Living in Alignment



Inner Child Mentoring is about awareness of the child, communicating with the Inner Child Self, and establishing a relationship between adult and child.


Inner Child Mentoring Applied is deepening the relationship to clear our energetic blockages, applying the tools and techniques of the first level, establishing new understandings, re-educating, building trust, and redirecting the child to let go of unwarranted responsibility.


Together they form a one of a kind comprehensive process journey that will quite literally change your life in profound ways.


Investment: $1000


Inner Child Mentoring is for empowering one to reclaim their inner skills and talents. It is not therapy nor is it intended to diagnose or treat disease of any form. Please refer to a qualified health care professional for such requirements.

Upon completion of Inner Child Mentoring  
you will be eligible to participate
in the advanced 20 session

Inner Child Mentoring Applied program…

click this link to inquire about taking the course

see above right for details on the Applied IM Course

Ask about the new Self Paced Inner Child Mentoring program available soon. Get access to the information and exercises only, without the one to one.
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