S4 Chant, Mantra, and Intentional Song of the Week
Humans have been chanting and using mantra for thousands of years. Both are intentional activities using the voice and an affirmative statement, sacred phrase, or holy name to alter one's consciousness. Chant has traditionally been sung in the native language while mantra has been spoken in a sing song way often over a bed of music.
Chant is repetitious and meditative;
alters brain waves and state of mind; brings peaceful relaxation; is focused, positive in energy, and life affirming; can be used to change patterns and beliefs; and unifies the consciousness of the chanters...and oh, so much more.
You now have the opportunity to subscribe to Chant/Mantra/Intentional Song of the Week, which will provide a new online MP3 for you to download once a week for 52 weeks. Drawn from many cultures, these powerful tools will deliver a new vibration to your body, mind, and spirit, allowing you to flow in a smoother, more peaceful state during these times of profound change. Subscribe for $57 and begin to collect the chants and mantras that will unify your energies with intentions used successfully for thousands of years.
All chants will be sequenced in a constantly available archives. Simply access your account via your own password. Click the button below to subscribe for a single pay $77 investment (a little over $1 per activity)...You may also choose 3 payments of $30 if you prefer.
Make the choice and subscribe now so you can start experiencing the power of chanting.