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In this beautiful Earth dimension we, as spiritual beings living in a human physical body, have choice to live the life we desire. The challenge here is that we have agreed upon the idea that we are limited beings. Our families, our cultures, our media, our entertainment, our educational system, our workplace, our literature all serve to perpetuate what is actually misinformation. So, most live the life they live unconscious to the greater truth of their design, and settle for a less than existence. While, all around, life , the greater life, calls. And, as if to counter this misdirected living, the Cosmos has intervened en masse to feed you and me the energetic information that is triggering the sweeping changes of these remarkable times. Many are responding and starting to take the new awareness and live more consciously...more aware that they are so much more than they have been told they were. Many are fighting the waking up and holding fast to the old ways, at great personal and even, collective, cost. And yes, there are many who are just checking out, leaving body and planet for a rest and a do over. Where do you stand in this continuum of response?
Likely, because you are even reading this, you are choosing to reawaken and reclaim the greater You of your magnificent Celestial design. What can be supremely useful in these times is to have some informed assistance, information and actions that will help the waking up, help us to move forward consciously on a much grander journey. Thus, you are here...where each week you will be provided with new information and suggestions of how to put it to use. And, with each application in action you will wake up more and more. Cells will remember their design and begin to manifest higher frequencies within. The inner changes will be mirrored in the outer. Things, you, will change as you step back into the infinite template of I Am That I Am Expressing as You. Good choice, my friend, to embark on this Conscious Living Journey.
All of the topics are listed below. With the introduction of each you will have a solid week to put it into action. See how it feels. Watch what it does. Make adjustments to how it flows...make it yours. Some topics may interest you more, some less...but, all have purpose and value in waking up different elements of you. So give them all equal attention and choice to explore your unique life in this particular energy. The Universe will apply reciprocal law to your actions and give you more of what you are opening to. Steps into higher vibration yield even higher vibrational guidance and opportunity. Seize it all...nothing is accidental. As you take action you will be fed.
I celebrate your choice to invest in this process and know that it will serve you in ways that even I cannot foresee. These are remarkable times when humanity can become completely conscious of the life we were intended to live in this dimension. You are doing so by being here right now. The journey is outlined below. Read the current topic in the frame below the list. Each week that entry will be added to the archives farther down the page. Select the block and view the previous five session information and activity. PDF versions of the five shall be made available for downloading and printing if you so desire.
Thank you for caring enough about yourself to embark on your adventure into Conscious Living...Bon voyage!
LAUNCHING May 5, 2025