Buddhist monks chant at Pongour Falls, the largest waterfall in Dalat, Vietnam.

Chant, Mantra, Intentional Song
of the Week

Thank you for your choice to explore the subscription. This page is the format portal for access to all songs, for listening to samples, and for accessing collective archives as you journey along. After exploring please return to the subscription portal to subscribe to the Chant, Mantra, and Intentional Songs and get listening and amplifying your personal vibration!


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Welcome to chant/mantra/intentional song of the week. You have been called here to learn an ancient technique of calming the spirit and focusing the mind and setting in motion an intention to manifest. For thousands of years, ancient civilizations, nomadic cultures,  “uncivilized societies”, bands of gypsies, and individual beings have practiced the art of chanting and using mantra. Over the course of a year you are going to learn  a host of them from a variety of traditions.


The human voice is one of our prime tools for energetic clearing and also making manifest our intentions. Wow! Really? A double edged sword that cuts and is magnetic. The more I enter the world of our true design on all levels the more appreciation and wonder I carry for the creative source that made it. An impeccable design built for life and that parallels Nature's own design. When humanity starts to wake up to the sheer majesty and scope of how much the Earth is in cahoots with us, then we shall see thriving...for all. Yes, the Earth and all her elements and cycles and expressions directly mirror the inner state of humanity. Too much for you? Well, let it sit and incubate for a while. We are designed to wake up...and this, my dear one, is the time of awakening... of claiming the voice and using it to align with the majesty and flow of life in all her forms.


You have to be suspect of all this effort to keep the voice silent. From the first ssshhh, to the first shut up, to the order in the courtroom, to being sent to the principle, to the importance of silent meditation, to the warnings of children should be seen and not heard. The voice is the crucible of manifestation and the place where life is seeded by each of us. Is yours silent? Do you cower in the face of authority, swallowing the unspoken, the deeply felt, the trauma, the unspeakable woundings...society hopes you do.


That's why singing was made...a back door way to express. Unfortunately, the content of most songs only serves to perpetuate the messages of limitation about living as a human, about we are hopeless without another, how we are to love and be loved...we could list a bunch.  Rather than do that you have been called to the very place where it is entirely plausible to get your voice back...to get your life back.


For thousands of years the human voice has been harnessed to serve the higher vibration, to divert the mind, and intentionally call forth higher frequency living, interconnected, and transcendent. Chants, mantras and now, intentional songs, each a purposeful tool involving the voice, phonemes, a melody of varying pitch, a cadence, and an audible expression. These three have similarities many, and they have differences, as well.

  • All are typically short.

  • They repeat a motif over and over and over and over.

  • They are intended to occupy the runaway mind and feed new higher vibration into the singer


  • They plant new seeds into the sub conscious to interrupt and eradicate lower vibrational thinking patterns and beliefs and invite a new life in

  • They are often in another language, relying more on the particular power of language phonemes to interface with specific areas of the body and energy fields.

  • They lift you out of where you are and allow you to shift into a clearer place.

  • They are all about being present in the moment

  • Chants are often more rhythmic and more ethnic, with strong pulse and a message that shifts the focus to the natural world, in the case of many indigenous chants. They are fun and stir the cells and invite the dance.


  • Mantras are much more purposeful. Those stemming from the Hindu and Aramaic traditions are often Holy Words, a sacred phrase, or a call to a particular deity for specific and purposeful support. They are traditionally spoken in a sing song sort of way. Current interpretations are giving melodies to the mantras which increases their capacity to heal.


  • Intentional songs follow chant and mantra basics and principles  but are in the language of the singer. They are life affirming and typically sound like affirmations. There may be a few more words and even a song structure. What is really important is that they are fed from the moment of their creation by strong and pure intention to impact a particular chakra and are aligned in lyric content, song key, song structure, and rhythm. They are in short, musical medicine. I coined the term almost 20 years ago when I started working with children. I have found through the years that intentional songs show no age preference or limit. They speak to a common place inside humanity, calling forth the activation of the original design of each.


You will receive access to four new songs on the first Tuesday of the month. You are invited to immerse your self into each on a weekly basis. You are given a recording and some historical information regarding purpose. Your opportunity is to sing them...a lot...over and over. Pay attention to how they serve your vibration and impact the forms of your moments of living. Each week access the next one using the title link in the box below. You can copy the MP3 to your player if you would like. You will have 52 by the time the journey concludes. Sing them you must. Make them a part of your vocabulary. They will come to mind when the circumstances call for them. Your own inner wisdom will do the bidding. Get out of the way and sing them fully. If there is movement that pushes through, then allow it. Each is an experience. Take the ride...

In this cycle of 52 you shall be given a cycle of chant, mantra, sung mantra, and repetitive intentional song. I have included a variety of cultural chants, Sanskrit mantras, both spoken and sung, and chantsongs I have created for events I have been called to do.


I invite you to be open to the fullness of the experience and celebrate with gratitude the power of the journey you shall take over this next 52 weeks. Say goodbye to the way it has been. For you are headed into an adventure that will surely shift your vibration and lead you home to the Higher Self that has been calling....


52 Chants, Mantras, and Intentional Songs

Click the title to access the information (new titles posted/activated each Tuesday)
in the frame below the list. Listen to samples of the chants in the player farther below.
1. Ele Ele Tau Mai
2. Shanti Praschanti Sarva Krodha
3. Father of the Living
4. Apache Power Song
5. Blessed Be
6. Om Eim Hrim Klim
7. We Circle Around
8. Gate Gate
9. Om Ha Ksa Ma La Va
10. I Am That I Am
11. Namo Kwan Sheyin Pusah
12. Om Gum Ganapatayea Namaha
13. In the Silence
14. Ek Ong Kar Satanam Siri
15. Bismillah
16. Life Is Good
17. Om Ram Ramaya
18. Gopala
19. Cradle Me
20. Here in the Heart
21. Om Vajra Satwa Hung
22. Hare Krishna, Hare Rama
23. Om Dum Durgayea Namaha
24. Shanti Prashanti Sarva Bhaya
25. Wa Taho
26. Om Grinihi Suryaya Adityom
27. Om Mane Padme Hum
28. Om Sharavana Bavaya Namaha
29. Be Here Now
30. Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyea
31. Mask
32. Hung Vajra Peh
33. Witchi Ti Ti
34. I Am Love
35. The One You Seek
36. Opening Up
37. Faith
38. Contemplation
39. I Do What Gives Me Life
40. Om Ashweena Tejasha
41. The Well
42. Radhe Bol
43. Preparing the Soil
44. Precious Jesus Boy
45. In the Still Small Voice
46. Om Apadamapa Adityom
47. You’re Not Alone
48. Prayer for Protection
49. Ask
50. O.E.T.A.
51. Kuake Lano Lano Mahote
52. Roots

This Week's Chant, Mantra, Intentional Song
of the Week

On the first Tuesday of the month you shall awaken to an invitation that will bring you to this page where you can download the new MP3 files to your computer. I invite you to put a copy on your portable player, IPOD, phone, etc. The link will appear above. I will supply some information about the chant, a translation if necessary, and the CD from which it was sourced, if applicable. Happy trails!
For Windows right click and select “Save Target As” to save to a file of your choice. Left click will simply play the song in your default music player.

For Mac computers, Locate the MP3 file you want to download from the Internet, Press "Ctrl" and your mouse button simultaneously; this emulates the "right-click" gesture on a Windows computer and a menu of options will appear. Click "Save File As" from the menu options. Select a folder in which to save the file and click "Save." (For easy access create a desktop folder titled Mark Welch Weekly Chants and store all 52 there. Launch iTunes by clicking on the "iTunes" icon from your Mac's Dock. Open the folder in which you saved the MP3 file by double-clicking on its name in the Finder. At this point, you should have both the iTunes window and the folder window open. Click on the name of the MP3 file and then drag it into the iTunes window. You will see a dialog box near the top of the window showing the status of the file transfer. When the dialog box closes, your MP3 file will be accessible in iTunes.

Listen to the Chant, Mantra, or Intentional Song
30 second Sample

Click the link below to listen to 30 second samples of a set of the current 10 Chants, Mantras, and Intentional songs in the MP3 player above

SET 1-10   SET 11-20   SET 21-30   SET 31-40   SET 41-52

Weekly Chant, Mantra, Intentional
Song of the Week Archives

Chant/Mantra 1-4  l  Chant/Mantra 5-8  l  Chant/Mantra 9-12  l  Chant/Mantra 13-16  l  Chant/Mantra 17-20  I  Chant/Mantra 21-24  I  Chant/Mantra 25-28  l  Chant/Mantra 29-32  l  Chant/Mantra 33-36  
Chant/Mantra 37-40  I  Chant/Mantra 41-44  I Chant/Mantra 45-48  I  Chant/Mantra  49-52

Click the links above to access a four song Archive Set in the Archive Window below

Left click the title to play the song in your default player

Now that you have subscribed, you can accelerate your access to the sessions if you desire.. You can access a download of the entire series of 52 chants, mantras, and intentional songs in PDF and MP3 format.

Send an email to Mark stating so including the email address for downloading. You will receive the download within 48 hours

Request a download
Please Note: Although receiving the chants weekly allows you to develop a complete chanting program over the year, you can also request monthly blocks, blocks of 3 months, or the complete set at one time. Please email me if you would like any of these alternatives.
Email for accelerated delivery of chants.

Email for replacement link

If you would like to receive a PDF booklet with the chants along with the 52 songs as MP3 files on a USB Flash Drive, please click the link below

In addition to your subscription you will be charged a $10 fee for shipping and the cost of the Flash Drive.

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