Weekly Energy Maintenance Practice

Thank you for your choice to subscribe to this nurturing and expansive process of Energy Maintenance Practice. It will serve you, as you shall see, in very many ways over the time of the coming 365 days.  Tending our own energy garden allows us to keep in a state of balance in all of our energy bodies, the physical, the emotional, the mental, and the spiritual. When this happens we have access to our own original design template. We are able to utilize our inner resources more, call in and utilize guidance, regulate our moments of living, and stay in ap  place where we flow with life. Sounds pretty desirable to me! Not being at the mercy of whatever happens but seeing moments as they are, opportunities for awareness, expansion, and living fully.

It all starts with paying attention to what is going on within. Doing so, which is contrary to most of our programming to ignores sensations and emotions, will then allow us to release the multiple reservoirs of energetic debris that keep us in patterns of lower vibrational living. Doing so raises our vibration, gives us our balance back, allows us to be fully present in the moment looking at the bigger picture, invites us to engage life, serves to dismantle the presence of fear that so many are invested in, and opens us up to quality relationships with all of life's forms. Sounds pretty desirable, doesn't it?!

52 different ways to clear and maintain energy within the body so that you will always have available inner resources and the full capacity to face the form of the moment that has been laid at the precious altar of your awareness. The invitation is to practice each new entry throughout the week. Each week, on Friday, that entry is replaced and goes to the archives where it is available at any time. You can easily turn them into PDF downloads for printing as well. The more you practice the better you will feel and be. Energy is in constant movement, vibrating at a resonant frequency to how you are internally. That frequency attracts life to you, in kind...low energy brings low energy.

By doing the exercises you insure a new way of being and a new way of living consciously in that sweet higher frequency that is always available. Enjoy your moments, my friend.
52 Energy Maintenance Practices
Click the title to access the information (each new practice posts on Friday)
in the frame below the list
1.  Breathing 101
2.  Breathing 102
3.  Breathing 103
4.  Chakra Clearing 101
5.  Chakra Clearing 102
6.  Chakra Clearing 103
7.  Toning
8.  The Spoken Word
9.  Dancing
10. Natural Realignment
11. Water
12.  Singing
13   Drumming
14. Community Connections
15. Boundaries 101
16. Boundaries 102
17. Conscious Eating
18. Letting go 101
19. Letting go 102
20. Music 101
21. Music 102
22. Self-Nurturing
23. Emotions 101
24. Emotions 102
25. Emotions 103
26. Creating Energetic Ambiance

27. Accessing Guidance
28. Developing Trust
29. Compassionate Living
30. Gratitude
31.  Paying Attention
32.  Spontaneity and flexibility
33.  Conscious Grounding
34.  Earth Star Chakra
35.  Soul Star Chakra
36.  Regulating Chi and Prana
37. Rocks and Minerals
38. Sounding
39. Creating body relationship
40. Inner Child Care
41. Nurturing Life Affirming Choices
42. Human Contact
43. Making Animal Alliances
44. The Wind and Other Natural Elements
45. Silent Time
46. Power of Intention
47. Celestial Traveling
48. Understanding Transitions
49. Nurturing Relationships
50. Living in Flow
51. It Doesn’t Matter
52. Higher Self Alignment

This Week's Energy Maintenance

Weekly Energy Maintenance Archives

Complete Weekly Cumulative Statements List
appears in the frame below adding next practice each week

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