Please click the icon in each box to be taken to the page and the information.
Chakra Alignment Tones
Use these sine wave tones to bring your in-body chakras into alignment.
Chakra Alignment Chant Songs
Use these original Mark Stanton Welch Intentional Songs to bring alignment to your chakras in a high vibrational way.
Chakra Alignment Mantras
Use these world culture mantras to bring alignment to your chakras in a high vibrational way.

Tibetan Singing Bowl Treatments
Recordings of a variety of Tibetan Bowls to allow these harmonically rich tones to shift your internal and external frequency vibrations.
Quartz Singing Bowl Treatments
A series of tonings from a set of the primary chakra quartz bowls will soothe your chakras and your spirit into alignment.
Rattle Treatments
Having gathered authentic ethnic rattles for over twenty years I put them to use in this variety of combinations to align frequencies and clear energetic debris.

Chakra 101 Basic Descriptions
Follow this link to get a sound introduction to each of the body physical and energetic bodies.
Tuning Fork Treatments
Get intentional treatments with this wide assortment of tuning forks gathered over the last twenty five years.
Background Environmental Atmospheres for Meditation and Guided Imagery
Enjoy and use this growing collecion of ten minute atmospheres to provide background for your own meditations, guided journeys, or just your moments of living. Mostly nature based these soundings solidify the power of the natural world to serve humanity on deep levels.

Intentional Chakra Actions
Engage nine different actions that will acquaint you with your own chakras and make a difference in your energetic well being.
Information Potpourri
Explore some random facts, observations, and imaginings about your amazing chakra system
Circle of Giving and Receiving
If you have been moved by the music of Mark Stanton Welch, or have been impacted by his writings, classes, courses, or workshops then please consider gifting his personal mission to assist him in his travels, events, and new recordings. It is a powerful and conscious way to support the higher vibration music finding its way into the world on a grander scale. Every donation is an affirmation in a more loving, connected, empowered, and peaceful world. Click the gift to access details on your gifting. And thank you in advance for your generous support...
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Background Environmental Atmospheres for Meditation and Guided Imagery
Copyright 2021-23. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise noted.