Chakra Alignment with Harmonic Spectrum Forks
9 fork single tone chakra alignment using the Harmonic Spectrum C scale that includes the Earth Star and Soul Star forks. Use this for a daily tune up.
9 Solfeggio Frequency Tuning Fork Treatment
Frequencies pulled from Biblical references that are considered the sound frequency building blocks of life. Individual fork tones in sequence with quick indication of specific fork meaning.
Major Organ Tuning Fork Treatment
The energetic and physical bodies have your back and are always in communication with you...if you will listen. Knowing how to pay attention to their callings must be activated. We do just that here in this action.
The human anatomy is frequency based. The frequencies of cells align to create specific form. Intentional use of sound can bring balanced to a diseased (lower frequency than design) system and organ. These forks provide a way to tune the organ of intention, assisting in cleansing it of that lower frequency energetic debris. Once a week or as needed ought to do it...
Major Organ Tuning Fork Treatment
The human anatomy is frequency based. The frequencies of cells align to create specific form. Intentional use of sound can bring balanced to a diseased (lower frequency than design) system and organ. These forks provide a way to tune the organ of intention, assisting in cleansing it of that lower frequency energetic debris. Once a week or as needed ought to do it...