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Sound Alchemy: Chakra Energetics

Chakra Energetics: Intentional Overview
Putting Understanding into Action
Welcome to a new specialty website that falls under the umbrella. In this site you will find a practical exporation and experience of your energetic system focusing on your in-body chakras. Here you shall access information,learn specific techniques, experience audio based clearings, and get lots of practice in maintaining your chakra health. Let this become a place where you can learn and apply and start to thrive in your renewed chakra energetic system.

Follow the links below to answer each question and to direct you towards the specific information and activities.

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Chakra Energetics 101

Root Chakra Sanskrit Symbol

What Is Chakra Energetics?

Chakras are revolving energetic portals between the physical and the energetic, between body, mind, and soul. They are multidimensional, spinning wheels of light, frequency based, ever oscillating, changing and adjusting, and serve to process higher vibrational energy to ease assimilation into the physical. They are rotating cones that are on the front and back. There are typically seven in body chakras with five external ones in the energetic bodies. Additionally there are 20 spiritual energy centers that are in the spiritual body but interface with the physical via the individual vertebrae.

There are major chakras which manage the most critical functions and issues, and minor chakras which regulate less fundamental needs. The in body chakras are like conical funnels that align with the spine,  a point which also serves as the transformational membrane between front and back sides of each chakra.

Chakra Energetics refers to the informed and inspired capacity to consciously take care of your own chakra system. It involves being aware that they are there and then being able to recognize when they are active and speaking to you regarding their current vibrational state. Once aware you choose to take action to either cleanse or clarify the energy in that chakra. The purpose of the whole thing is to keep the chakras and the energetic system in alignment, meaning it functions as it is designed to do for you.

What Can I Find Here?

This shall evolve into a site where you can visit a lot to learn but also practice chakra care and realignment. Here you will find the following:

  • Information in general about the individual chakras including characteristics, applicable frequency elements, health indications, etc


  • An assortment of specific exercises to clear, maintain, and amplify each chakra

  • A variety of Sound Alchemy practices, audible tones and frequencies, chants, mantras, and intentional songs to assist clearing and clarifying your chakras


  • Access to an active blog called Evolving Chakras where you can share insights and experiences ask questions, and create community with like minded, like energied fellow travelers.

  • Access and explore a variety of additional resources available to support your personal chakra care. Listed will be resources from Mark Stanton Welch as well as others. Includes books and recordings and articles.
Sacral Chakra Sanskrit Symbol

Solar Plexus Chakra Sanskrit Symbol

How Can I Use this Site?

This site is set up to be informational, practical, resourceful, inspiring, and a collective clearing house for current and new information/perspectives on the thriving, evolving chakra system. It will serve your energetic health by clarifying your personal vibration. The higher you vibrate then the healthier you are. The goal is to reach and maintain your core frequency resonance and harmonization. Continued use of tools and audio will bring you into a state of balance that has eluded you much of your incarnational time thus far.

What Will This Site Do For Me?

The chakra system and the energy line system of meridians keep the body in constant contact with itself and the cosmos. Keeping all of these vehicles purged and clear of blockages is a profound tool for staying in health. But we are taught to stuff and hold on to the energetic results of the moments of living. Still the design keeps calling as the chakras are such that they store thematic energies and emotional energies in them for the convenience of collective release.  Similar events activate the energies which can bring conscious attention to the location. If supported then there is a clearing and an immediate reclamation of the higher vibration….in other words, a healing.

This site will become a constant referral for new information regarding your own chakra system design and revelation. Perhaps, more importantly, it will provide you with an up to date, in the now tool chest to adjust your own personal frequency through use of the exercises and sound files. I encourage you to develop the new high frequency habit of visiting here often.
Heart Chakra Sanskrit Symbol

Throat Chakra Sanskrit Symbol

Are There Useable Audio Exercises on this Site?

Yes! I have included a variety of specific tones and clearing sounds for each of the in-body chakras. Additionally I will include a chant, mantra, and an intentional focus song for each for you to use regularly. For the extended chakras I will provide an assortment of tools and exercises that will unfold as I work with them.

Are There Additional Resources Available?

Yes! I will provide to supportive resources in the form of sound files and information. The bulk of these resources will be from my own creations. I will also include a fairly comprehensive bibliography of books addressing sound and vibrational healing work.
Third Eye Chakra Sanskrit Symbol

This cosmos is built of oscillating energy, guided by the All That Is and the I Am That I Am within each of us. Our moments organize to reflect the frequency of our inner being. We have a True Frequency identity by design. Our cells, our organs, our systems, are all energy based with their harmonic expression of replication and health. When the energetic bodies are supported in their work of cleansing our moments of living we purr and have the health, energy, balance, and presence to move through the forms of living our Higher Self calls to our experience.

Thoughts, upon creation, vibrate to create thought forms, energetic magnets that call forth experience. Repeated thoughts align to make stronger the subsequent forms. Patterns develop. Higher frequency thoughts elevate and bring the cells into resonance. Giving gratitude calls forth more opportunities to express and experience gratitude. Vibration of this kind creates harmonic music that supports life.

Vibrations can resonate with one another to influence the form. We can align a negative experience by feeding it clarity in thought, emotion, and belief. The more we keep awareness on our moments and respond to the forms the more easily and quickly we can maintain the flow by shifting our responses...

--excerpted from the book, The Guidebook of Evolving Chakra Care
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