
Mark's Services and Courses
Seasonal Specials

For over 20 years Mark has been providing support service to individuals and groups via teleconference, online classes, one to one mentoring, and the come to California for a restart Rebirth of I Am.His devotion and commitment into helping others remember who they are has been the cornerstone of his work. It’s all about becoming exposed to new perspectives and tools and being encouraged and guided to putting them into consistent action. Mark’s sensitivity and knowledge base combine to establish a safe environment where one can blossom and thrive at their own pace, while being encouraged to walk courageously on their growth edge where change and transformation happen quickly.

His methods are born in his own personal journey to find the deeper truths of his being. His years as a classroom Elementary teacher gives him skills to meet the unique styles of whoever he is mentoring. Weaving music, expanded knowledge, a lifetime of study, a personal journey of healing, and a strong belief in the magnificence of each of us, results in a profound experience for those who feel called to work with him.

Here in the Winter of 2023-24, when the energies are pulling us inward to face, embrace, and release the energetic parts and patterns of all that no longer serves us, opportunity awaits to walk with a mentor, a companion, a friend to rediscover the magic of our own design.

It is a fortuitous time to begin that journey as Mark’s services, as described below, are all available at 40% off their regular investment fee. Read about each below, follow the link for more information, and then select that which is speaking to you to begin a remarkable journey in a remarkable time.

Personalized Mentorings
(click title for deeper exploration)

Spiritual Mentoring
Mark’s years of personal experience and study have brought forth a variety of techniques and modalities to assist you through the unique form of your moments.

2 blocks of 12 sessions $1000 each
Secure one or both now at $600 each

Inner Child Mentoring

In re-establishing a connected and trusted relationship between the adult and inner child selves, we find a familiar place of balance that allows life to flow, outside of the doctrine of limitations. Embark on a critical and necessary journey home.

10 sessions regularly $897
Secure it now for $550

Rebirth of I Am

Join Mark on the beautiful and magical Central California Coast for a unique one to one three day adventure. Guided by the land and personal guides we will clear the old and launch the new.

3 Day Personal Experience in Cambria, California
regularly $1650
Secure it now for $1050
(click title for deeper exploration)

Tools for the Times
If you desire to know about the way things are from an esoteric perspective then explore all 28 sessions. Your experience of this life and the multi-dimensional living afforded us will expand exponentially.

28 sessions info plus recordings
regularly $297
Secure it now for $178

Living As If Already Whole

(in progress)

It is time to set aside the study and put you into conscious action. This conscious, guided experience walks the Celestial frontier to give you opportunity to live as if you are already in the higher frequency clarity you have been working towards. Unique and unpredictable. Are you ready for this?

24 session one to one guided journey
regularly $1750
Secure it now for $1095
Sound Alchemy
(click title for deeper exploration)

Vibrational Attunement
Change your inner vibration by clearing old energy blockages that keep sub-conscious beliefs, patterns, and actions in place. Uses your own voice to create statements that will change your inner vibration to magnetize a new experience of living

Interview, creation of statements, recording process regularly $495
Secure it now for $300

Healing Music Musician Mentoring

Shift the power and the impact of your creations by learning the secrets to creating music that is healing and empowering and deeply nurturing to all who hear it.

12 sessions regularly $457
Secure it now for $250

Chakra Clearing Recorded Sessions

3 years of chakra clearing conference calls have been organized into powerful and effective energy clearing packages. Up to 8 hours of cutting edge practices will assist you in raising and maintaining your energetic health and personal vibration

All chakras info plus recordings
 regularly $79
Secure it now for $48

Reclaiming the Natural Voice

Your voice is your most potent transformational tool. When it is silenced by the moments of living your power, your creativity, your joy of living are compromised. Learn to reclaim that voice to set your new, full life in motion.

Each session regularly $75 12 for $757
Secure it now for $30 each or 12 for $375

“Just wanted to let you know your Vibrational Attunements CD has been a tremendous tool for accessing the next greatest version of myself.  As a person who is always trying to better and recreate myself, your Vibrational Attunement helped me work through areas that I had been stuck in for years. What can I say but that it is a powerful tool that has helped me on my way.  I loved that the attunement    was personally created for me and that you worked with me to target the areas in which I felt stuck  or needed support.  I feel like I have made great strides in moving into and  living my dreams and not just watching them in my mind anymore...My kids loved that I listen to the CDs because I was so much calmer afterwards!   I have experienced  the generic affirmations CDs and they are nothing like what you experience with your  personal  Vibrational Attunements.  I would like to order my second Vibrational Attunement for  the next step in my journey and I would like to order one for my teenage daughter to assist her on  her  path.

Tracy Barton Nicholas
Many, indeed most, of the issues in our lives that present as "problems" or "barriers" to becoming who we can be, originate in our inner child, in the child we once were and who still lives inside us as a crucial part of our being. All creativity and all imagination have their origins in the inner child. However, all our woundings, disappointments, fears, and traumas most often stem from childhood experiences or from adult experiences that trigger strong memories in the inner child. Mark's two Inner Child programs address the Inner Child's processes directly.

These programs create a safe space for the wounded inner child to come forward to reclaim his or her power and the sense of original blessing with which we are all born. I did both of the Inner Child programs, and as a result, I find that not only can I communicate with my Inner Child, but also I can give the Child the nurturance he or she needs to fully grow into the magnificence of who he/she truly is....the I am that I am expressing as me.

I wholeheartedly recommend doing Inner Child work with Mark. It is a deep and transformative process that will uncover beautiful gifts within you that you didn't realize are there. The little one in you will jump in joy!--

Sharon Lindenburger
Discount Sale Active
December 15, 2023
through end of March 2024.

Up to 40% off of specific mentorings and classes.

If you have questions or want to discuss any of these experiences please email me  or call 805.927.2416

Explore the possibilities and see which intrigue you. They all will serve to assist you, especially through the Fall and Winter times of reflection, clearing, and visioning 2023-24. You can purchase now and start using them when you choose.

Contact Mark to arrange those details.

The process of doing spiritual mentoring with Mark has been life-changing. This amazing program opened the doors to so much new growth and development that affected every part of me. I particularly like the way in which Mark adapts the topics to your own life and what is going on with you in the present moment. This kind of personalization is rare in the field of personal growth. Mentoring one on one with Mark is a powerful experience, and I guarantee that you will emerge from these sessions with renewed energy, renewed hope, a deeper sense of purpose, and a clearing away of all the inner debris that has been holding you back from realizing your dreams. I highly recommend this program.

Annie Martin
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