Awakenings: Classes

conference call mini classes

These are curious times, to say the least. On the outside we are witnessing a sweeping exposure of questionable integrity in the institutions we have been taught to trust. Individuals in positions of decision making power appear more interested in running their own/bought agendas than serving the greater good. Some are saying that this is the darkest hour before the dawn. It is true that we are becoming daily witness to much of what we have suspected for so long. Things are simply not what they seem. This is a powerful awareness in this profound times of transition and transformation and waking up.

An expanded vision is needed here to lift us out of the same old strategies that brush the truth under the carpet and parade old ways as gospel. Most people know that something is happening here, that life feels different, that much of what they have pushed down in their own lives is is being revealed for cleansing and release. It is hard, confrontive, and empowering. Higher perspectives can be welcome and very useful to provide other ways of looking at our personal and social shifting.

I have always read the revelations of those who are called channels. I take what they share as another possibility and check it out in my own inner guidance system to discern its value. Often I am lifted to new awareness, understanding, and expansive action because of the channeled information delivered. In these remarkable times I pay attention to all sides, including my own guidance from multiple realms...why not? Fear fades when facts are faced. What is true? That is the question. Wouldn't it be useful to have a body of information from many perspectives, even celestial, to be able to discern my own path of belief and action?

This is what Celestial Update is about. I will do the research and find what, to me, has particular relevance in these times. I will cite sources and offer suggestions about what can be done with the awareness to raise our personal and planetary vibration. Subscribe for a monthly delivery of what is "hot off the press" could be useful, even enlightening...or it might just be entertainment.. you decide...and that is the point. Build our own muscles of decision into action. Sign up to get your monthly Celestial update now...

The update will take place in a quarterly conference call. Subscribers will be given call information with written resources the day before the scheduled call.
Quarterly Tuesday night classes of 30 minutes start in October 2025

Each phone session is informational, supported by online pages with activities.

Class: 5:30-6 PM PST

See the sessions topics listed below right.

If you have questions follow this link.

Enroll for all 4 sessions for $60 or pay by session $20
Session Date
all times Pacific Time
Session Topic and Notes Link

  • September 30, 2025

  • January 20, 2026

  • March 24, 2026

  • May 19, 2026
Session Topic and Notes Link
Session Audio
Click title to listen to audio in player to the right


  • September 30, 2025

  • January 20, 2026

  • March 24, 2026

  • May 19, 2026

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