Sound Healing Testimonials

Sound and Energetic Alchemy to Wake Up, Balance,
and Re-Align Your Whole Self
There is a growing turn towards securing healing modalities that create tangible results. In the Celestial realm of energy, where we dwell in constant oscillation and vibration, sound has become a vehicle that can clear, clean, amplify, and transform. Sound Alchemy refers to the alteration of energy into form that accompanies intentional work with the tools of the practioner. As a Sound Alchemist I get the priviledge of facilitating change within those I serve. That change is always in alignment with where they currently are in frequency and intention. We each open as we choose. I get to lay one at the threshold where that choice can be made. And since sound is a vibrational reality it is physical and can be felt and witnessed.

You are invited to participate in any way you can, virtually or in person. As the traveling begins to open up I will be embarking on select tours and may come to your area...where we can experience personalized Sound Alchemy. I am developing ways to make the virtual experience powerful as well. Please stay tuned and open as the ways and means are revealed in these fast moving times...

This page is for your testimonial after you have experienced Sound Alchemy sessions. Follow the link below to submit your testimonial. I will be adding them as they are submitted. It is useful to witness others in their unique process. I learn much from it as a facilitator. Reading these can be revealing to each of us. Obviously, this page will grow. Thank you in advance, for your submission.
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