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San Luis Obispo Sound Alchemy Classes

Sunday Afternoon Energetic Clearing Gathering

In a continuing process of sharing powerful energetic sound tools to open up more people to what is available, I will be hosting a once a month energetic clearing in the San Luis Obispo area, though it may sometimes move to one of the many remarkable power spots in our beautiful magic Central Coast kingdom. In it I will facilitate the use of effective sound alchemy tools to assist participants in clearing the energetic debris that inhibits them from reclaiming their true design... so they can more fluidly move though their life moments in harmony and balance.

Thank you for joining me in this adventure...please, tell others so they can experience the blessings of the intentional use of sound. The greater the number of participants the more amplified the clearings.

For a schedule and details of all Sound Alchemy Events follow this link to Sound Alchemy Events.
Next Clearing on Sunday, January    , 2023 at 2 PM
Location: TBA
Contact Mark: 805.927.2416 office
805.660.5989 cell and text

Energetic Clearing Testimonials

please submit your testimonial to Mark at
Testimonials shall be placed here...

Session Audio

Recordings from the
Sunday Afternoon Energetic Clearings
available in the player below
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    Vibrational Re-alignment with Sound

    All is that can be influenced by thought, intention, and other energy. As a result of our choices through our moments of living from the point of birth we have been effected by energy. The body is designed to resonate at a specific frequency of health that is an individual identity for each human being. Holding on to emotion, thoughts, leaving words unexpressed, or refraining from taking action we know to be necessary, all serve to slow down the rate of our vibration.  If ignored, these slowings begin to manifest in our physical as disturbances, conditions, and, eventually, dis-ease.

    It would follow that one must be aware and attend to these energies by expressing the emotions and thoughts and take action when needed. If done so, the body remains in a state of health. But when the repressed energies have resided in the auric fields and energy bodies for years and decades, it is a challenge to address them sufficiently on one’s own. In this case, the talents and insight of a Sound Healer would be highly effective.

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