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San Luis Obispo Sound Alchemy Classes

Quarterly Community Chant, Mantra, and
Intentional Song Gathering

When people gather to sing as one magic happens. The collective power of the human voice is a powerful, moving force. For thousands of years humans have used song, chant, and mantra to clear the mind and heart, bring an inner focus, raise the personal and collective vibration, to reach a higher vibrational state, to clear and release the old energetic debris...

Chant has been a component of native cultures for thousands of years. Mantras are sacred intentions sent devotionally to the Gods and Goddesses of traditional Hindu devotees. Recently they have found their way to the Western ear where they are being elevated, celebrated, and transformed into the oh, so much more. Intentional songs are short, repeating songs in the native language of the singer, much like affirmations, claiming a desired reality. All of these forms serve the vibration of you and me.

So, let's gather once every 4 months for a 90 minute evening of chanting, spoken and sung mantras, and affirmative intentional songs to seed and claim a new vibration in alignment with who we all are. Refer to the information below to access event details. Wear comfortable clothing, bring water, and invite your open heart and mind to surrender to the flow of the voice in song and chant.

Some of the gatherings will be recorded live and made available in the player towards the bottom of the page. Give a listen. Tell others about it as well. Expanding awareness can lead to some new ways of being and doing. Get involved and start to expand into the fascinating world of Sound Alchemy...

For a schedule and details of all Sound Alchemy Events follow this link to Sound Alchemy Events.
Next Community Chant, Mantra, and Intentional Song Gathering
on Wednesday, May     , 2025 at 7 PM
Location: TBA
Contact Mark: 805.927.2416 office
805.660.5989 cell and text
An Evolving List of Reflections and Notes on the Chant, Mantra, and
Intentional Song Gatherings

please click each for more information, if available
Chant, Mantra, Intentional Song Gathering Date

Gathering 1:

Gathering 2:

Gathering 3:

Gathering 4:

Gathering 5:

Gathering 6:

Gathering 7:

Gathering 8:

Gathering 9:

Gathering 10:
We come together to blend and amplify our personal vibration into a higher frequency of health, balance, and connectedness through the magnificent medium of human voices in song.

Session Audio

Selected Recordings from the Quarterly Chanting Gathering available in the player below
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    Characteristics of Chants
    1.  Have been sung for thousands of years in cultures around the world
    2.  Are repetitious by design to help clear and focus the mind
    3.  Are often made up of powerful sounds or a statement of conscious, spiritual intention
    4.  Create a meditative, reflective mind state to relax and balance energetic bodies
    5.  Stir the spirit and activate the life force
    6.  Collective vibration amplified by chanting together in a group
    7.  Help to distract from negative, repetitive thought patterns
    8.  Can be sung together or in call and answer
    9.  Can open hearts, lift Spirits, bring inner peace, connect and unify people, align us with Spirit, ease suffering, give voice to deeper yearnings…
    10.Chant is anchoring, facilitates entrainment, engages the breath, elicits sonic effects, and is amplified by clear intention
    Characteristics of Mantras
    (Sanskrit for “that which protects and purifies the mind”)
    1.  Are specific, sacred statements of spiritual intention from a particular tradition, typically Hinduism and Buddhism, often calling upon specific Deities for support
    2.  Like sound seeds planted in the mind which germinate a higher vibration to clear lower frequency interference
    3.  The sounds themselves are quite powerful and directly impact the chakras and energy bodies
    4.  Amplified and empowered by the number of times spoken in the past
    5.  Repeated a specific number of times for a specific time period in a specific rhythm
    6.  Can be done in the silence of the mind or spoken in a sing song manner
    7.  Traditionally spoken 108 times using mala beads as a counter
    8.  Can quickly alter a vibration to create the desired inner state through repetition and tone
    9.  In current times mantras are both spoken and sung
    Characteristics of Intentional Songs
    1.  Affirmative, repetitive songs created for specific purpose of raising vibration
    2.  Can reinforce thinking patterns to change a belief or affirm a way of being
    3.  Melodic, singable, and  written to align with chakras to amplify the purpose
    4.  Can be used as a teaching tool to reinforce a concept
    5.  Will often enter mind randomly  when specific message is needed
    6.  Usually 4-5 lines
    Explore Recordings of Chant, Mantra, and Intentional Songs
    click CD to access samples and to order as CD or download MP3

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