Music Up Your a Personal Way

Sound and Energetic Alchemy to Wake Up, Balance, and Re-Align Your Whole Self
When life is served with music, special things happen. A more expansive vibration washes through the moment and infiltrates the cells and tissue and we begin to vibrate in resonant ways. Intentional music that is cognizant of specific use of vibration to awaken and heal on many levels is an amplification of the power of music. I have access to tools and techniques and perspectives and understandings when I write songs. I can put that into a creation to serve you on deep levels.
In these new times for us all, and especially, we traveling musicians who have been grounded,  are reinventing how we can share our musical creations. On this page I offer three ways to give you intentional gifts of vibration. Consider giving me the honor of supporting you, writing for you, singing to you. When you music up your moments in a personal way, those moments, and you, begin to oscillate into that beautiful dance that is yours to perform…

One to One
Personal Concert

Now available, by appointment… you can set up a personalized streamed concert with Mark, just for you or with your family as well. A phone call or an email will allow you to share what is going on with you so that I can choose the songs to support you best. You may also make personal requests for songs that you know and want shared. The concert will be videoed and I will get you the link within 24 hours of the performance.
Concert time will be set by demand on a first serve basis. Set this up now to secure your preferred time. The concert will be 45-60 minutes in duration. I will also include some empowering statements aligned to your frequency and your intentions.
Click the button to secure and pay for your concert and set the time for both the contact call and the performance.
The cost for the One to One Personal Concert is $100
which includes the prep call of up to 30 minutes..

Click to read

Significant Event Celebration
in Song and Video

Click to read
Let me support the acknowledgement and  celebration of a significant event with a video message and a song and more. Do you have a birthday coming up for you or someone you know? Getting a personalized message from me along with a relevant song is a very unique and special gift.  How about a personal achievement you want to commemorate or celebrate? New job? A life transition? A just because you want a visit from me?  The possibilities are endless.
Once you have purchased the musical message then we will have a chat via email, text, or phone to determine specifics of my sharing. I will give a personal message, provide some additional music (especially for a birthday), sing a focused song, and conclude with another personal message of affirmation and invitation.
The cost of $50 includes the personal contact and the recording,
editing, personalizing, and delivering the video

Song Written and Recorded for You

“I have had the distinct privilege of creating one of a kind songs for people who had specific challenges, needs, or situations. Some were created for specific healing intentions. Others were celebrating or marking a life event like a wedding, funeral, or the birth of a child. Still others were written to tell a story of one’s life. It was an honor to be able to tune into the supportive vibration and follow the guidance of the unseen world to create the song that fed the ones who called.”

    —Mark Stanton Welch

A personal song is just that…personal. Music in song can have a profound vibrational impact on the listener. When the song is about you, using your name, telling your story…it is remarkable. It can feed and nourish, empower and inspire, heal and cleanse, celebrate and acknowledge. It is a unique expression to honor yourself or another.

The Process:

  • Contact Mark with intention via email link below
  • Set up a one hour phone interview to discuss the intention and type of song
  • Decide on key elements: key of song, type of song, tempo of song, etc
  • Mark creates the song and records a simple version of it, typically with voice and guitar or piano (the simple arrangement allows the song to have greater impact. Of course, Mark can flesh out the song with instrumentation and additional voices and harmony. But that is optional.)
  • The song is shipped as a downloadable MP3 or as a wav file in Audio CD format, or both (your decision)
  • Allow 2-4 weeks for the whole process to reach completion. Dependent on Mark’s travel schedule
The cost of $250 includes the personal contact and the recording, editing,
personalizing, and delivering the song
Email Mark
Contact Information:
Mark Welch PO Box 1331
Cambria, CA 93428
Ph: 805.927.2416


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Copyright 2021-23. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise noted.