Here you can find all events including Virtual Concerts, Cover Music Performance, Workshops and Classes (virtual and in seat), Chanting Events, Community Spiritual Dancing Events, Sound Alchemy Events, Drumming Ceremonies, and Special Events outside of all of these listed.
Check out the Upcoming Events for a quick listing of the next 30 days. Use the calendar to look out over the next year to find the events you want to attend or be a part of. You can register, as necessary, for an event right here at the calendar as well.
If you have suggested events for my musical sharing, both original and cover music, or have a suggestion for a location/club/spiritual center where I can share my creations, please send me an email. I would appreciate that.
I am so grateful for your interest in my music and more and sincerely look forward to meeting you and sharing the experience together.
Mark Stanton Welch
Click to directly access the Yearly Master Calendar to learn about all music events, workshops, classes, Sound Alchemy Events, and special events. Or search for Mark's musical events below.