Chakra Immersion Series

Sound and Energetic Alchemy to Wake Up, Balance, and Re-Align Your Whole Self
Chakras are revolving, conically-shaped, “wheels of light” that function as multi-dimensional portals within our subtle energy bodies to take in and process higher vibrational frequencies so that they may be assimilated properly and used to transform the physical body. These wheels regulate, maintain, and manage the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of our being.

Each chakra, emanating from the front and the back, holds a particular frequency of health and balance. When we ignore the natural process of the energy bodies to maintain balance by releasing “unwanted energies”, the chakras begin to slow their vibration leading to progressive conditions that can ultimately manifest in the physical. The clogging is the lengthy result of not paying attention to the initially subtle tappings of the body wisdom to release any unexpressed and withheld energy.

It would follow, then, that it would be highly desirable to support the innate cleansing process to keep the chakras purring. Second best would be to develop the awareness and sensitivity to monitor the body wisdom callings to release as necessary. Having ignored these two, then one can make great strides in reclaiming balance by focusing on  purposely cleansing and strengthening each chakra.

Chakra tune ups that address the maintenance of  the chakras are desirable and potent. However, sometimes one is in need of a frequency immersion for a particularly slow moving chakra.

Thus, the creation of the Chakra Immersion Series. This unique and groundbreaking  series allows you to drench a chakra in nurturing frequencies. Just select the chakra and put it on in the background and allow the frequencies and songs and chants to bring you back to resonance.

Each of the seven Chakra Immersion Cds contains the following specific chakra based tones:

  • Sustained vocal pitch

  • Sustained vocal phonetic

  • Specific rhythm for movement

  • Kabala alignment frequency

  • Color frequency

  • Universal Galactic Ray frequency

  • Glandular frequency

  • Body meridian frequency

  • Organ frequency

  • Fibonacci series frequency

  • Focusing song

  • Alignment chant

  • Alignment Mantra spoken/sung

  • Ascended Master Invocation

  • Archangel Invocation

  • Elohim Invocation

  • Alignment Atlantean Chant

  • Alignment Proclamations

  • Rattle cleansing sequence

  • Clear intention and prayer
The Gift of the Chakras
excerpted from Mark's book, Living in De Light

The human body is the most complex design in this quadrant of the multiverse. The intricacies and the cooperative systems that process and channel frequencies and energies that empower, clean, clear and maintain this organism are nothing short of miraculous. The architect did his work…To include a system of centers that regulate the coming and goings of specific frequency energies is the stroke of genius. These chakras funnel our life force, guidance, galactic and solar codings, inspiration, information, insight, and knowingness into our being. We, in turn, allow the cleansing energies and communications to flow outward. Through these centers we send our intentions to interact with the multiversal fabric to make manifest in the third dimension by drawing the forms and participants into our sphere of awareness.

These energetic portals are a constant feedback system that will inform us, with developed and chosen awareness, about the state of our inner being at any moment. Developing sensitivity to their workings will come as one chooses to acknowledge with gratitude, their existence. For, indeed, they function without our awareness, but, when we consciously nurture them with attention we become privy to all their information and technique. Foolish is the human being who chooses ignorance and prejudice in regards to our expansive anatomy.

There are 7 in body main chakras with an ever increasing number of minor and outside the body chakras revealing themselves in these times. The chakras radiate front and back and can be categorized as carrying certain tendencies for the expression of characteristics. For example, the root focuses on survival and foundation; the sacral center on creativity, passion, joy, strong emotion, esp. Fear; the solar plexus addresses decisions, action, and power; the heart carries the frequencies of love given, received, or withheld; the throat deals with expression and calls for intention to manifest; the brow handles vision and creation of intentions; the crown is the opening for cosmic guidance, support, and inspiration. Knowing this allows one to pay attention to physical callings that desire the release of held toxic energies so that they can be addressed. Chakra awareness also enables one to consciously amplify the frequency and bring to full spinning health that chakra so it can do its work to keep us in multi-leveled balance.

These chakras, when embraced and integrated, are the windows through which we move about life in the multi dimensional frequencies. They reveal the Grand Design of the ever fluctuating “reality” of this world we have incarnated into. Start using this benevolent gift for a full experience of life. To Infinity and beyond!!
Available as CD for purchase, MP3 complete album download, as a single chakra
or as the complete set of seven.

Click on the CD Title to access play list, samples, and ordering/ downloading instructions.
Heart Chakra CD

Heart Chakra CD Download
Available Soon
Throat Chakra CD

Throat Chakra CD Download
Available Soon
Third Eye Chakra CD

Third Eye Chakra CD Download
Available Soon
Crown Chakra CD

Crown Chakra CD Download
Available Soon
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