There is so much to express gratitude for: the blue sky, water, cars, friends, books, holidays, our sight, cats, mountains, chocolate, children, our selves, baseball, music, angels, emotions, smiles, quiet moments, crystals, aromatherapy, love…on and on, an endless list. Think about it…what would you add to the list? Do it. Pay attention to how life and its forms serve you, support you, celebrate you. It may not be noticeable at first glance. But, give it a moment and open to just how much is there just for you.
Personally, I am so grateful for you and your continued interest in my musical creations and the host of other offerings. It means so much to me that you find value in what I have brought through from the Celestial Source. That I can in any way, remind you of your original design, your magnificence, and your expanding capabilities, is a blessing to me. In appreciation for that I want to make available to you a variety of empowerment tools and treasures that can help maintain a smooth flow through this holiday season, which can be a particularly stressful time of year.
I want to offer you a Gratitude Bundle as a download, consisting of 2 E-Books and a Spoken Word Healing Voice CD of 100+ Gratitudes featuring my voice over atmospheres and music. Together they create an ongoing opportunity to establish and maintain an attitude of gratitude and as well as change the inner focus to magnetize new outer forms. Being grateful consistently can really alter how life shows up in the moments of living.
Click the titles to explore each element of the package.
Weekly Gratitude E-Book
More Weekly Gratitudes E-Book
The Healing Voice: Spoken Gratitudes CD
Here are 4 gratitude statements from the CD and E-Books to experience and use:
“I am so very grateful for the ability to communicate thoughts, feelings, perspectives, beliefs, and energy in clear, honorable, respectful, self-sustaining ways. I willingly allow communication to flow bi-directionally. And so it is!”
“I am open to allowing music to reach my cells and reharmonize me to the frequency of That I AM. I call forth the perfect melodies and rhythm and lyric to nurture my being into an open hearted, life-loving, trusting soul. And so it is.”
“I am deeply grateful for the fabulous array of visible color. The unique frequencies of each speak to my energy field in a vibration that serves all my bodies. Thank you sun for the pure light frequencies that bend in the earth’s atmosphere to initiate the color process. I am grateful for the nurturing effect color has on my energy bodies. And so it is.”
“I am grateful for my self on all levels and in all dimensions. I love my talents and skills and how I show up in the world. I am appreciative of my beautiful heart and openness to people and life. I am thankful that I let love in and see beauty in everything. I continue to appreciate myself no matter what the forms of life show. My Self Love is precious and empowering. And so it is.”
This power bundle of gratitude support can be downloaded for $35
for the E-books and the CD .
Click the link below to go to the store page for a substantial investment in you…