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Just in Time for the Phase 2 of this Great Transformation

Music, writings, and a new PDF book to assist you in raising your vibration to embrace the unfolding opportunities presenting themselves in the form of a sweeping world wide health challenge. These higher frequency  resources can help you take charge of your choices in your moments. They invite you to enter the bigger picture where nothing is as it seems…

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Healing Mantras, Chants, and Intentional Songs
Frequency Raining Music

Vibrational Alignment
Applied Sound Alchemy

Living in the Frequency of Wellness and Wholeness
Songs to Lift You Up

Click the Title to Explore the Songs on Each CD

Titles of Written Reflections useful in these current stay-at-home times
(click Let Go of Past  for a sample)

  1. Let Go of Past- taken from the Weekly Gratitudes E-Book
  2. Process of Healing -taken from the Weekly Gratitudes E-Book
  3. Access Emotions-taken from the Weekly Gratitudes E-Book
  4. The Daily Restart-taken from the Living in De Light E-Book
  5. Inner Balance -taken from the Living in De Light E-Book
  6. Changing Beliefs-taken from the Living in De Light E-Book
  7. Speak the Unspoken-taken from the Solid on the Earth E-Book
  8. Cleanse the Chakras-taken from the Solid on the Earth E-Book
  9. Refrain from Drama- take from Solid on the Earth E-Book

4 Complete CD Downloads, 9 Written Reflection Downloads for the amazing price of $47 (retail $75)

High Frequency Care Package for Self

High Frequency Care Package to Another

Click to Order Downloads

Home is a great  place to hang out and sleep and do your laundry and fix a meal and check in…a stopping place when you aren’t out doing your life in the world.

But when it becomes a 24/7 stay-in-place it is easy to yearn for something besides Netflix and cat videos and cleaning the closet.

Now that almost a year has passed since the directive I bet you are ready for some quality support resources to activate some deeper inner adventures and facilitate a much more peaceful balance in your inner and outer home.

Well, once again…I’ve got something for you!

These intentional tools and informational resources can:

Celestial Truths in These Now Age Times
Transformational Spoken Word Paradigms

Visit Mark’s

A Brand New Relevant Book

10 is a powerful number in that it activates change. It is an angel number that ignites support and Celestial guidance from within and without. It is representative of new beginnings, born out of wisdom gained from one’s personal journey thus far. It reduces to one to solidify the Oneness that is oozing into the reality of this Aquarian epoch in birth. 10 is an invitation to reclaim an order that is foundational and reliable. Get it?…Ten. There are 27 different springboards of 10 in this creation, invitations to expanded awareness and conscious action. 27 reduces to nine which is the number of completion.

Making the choice to embark on your journey with the support of these tools is a conscious action that can deliver you to the reclamation of true self…and function as the completion of your inner remembering to allow you to invest whole heartedly in this unified Oneness Aquarian Age. By applying these tools and utilizing the personal inspirations that arise from within you, you will be able to walk your path with your wholeness completely accessible to your beck and call.

Making the choice to embark on your journey with the support of these tools is a conscious action that can deliver you to the reclamation of true self…and function as the completion of your inner remembering to allow you to invest whole heartedly in this unified Oneness Aquarian Age. By applying these tools and utilizing the personal inspirations that arise from within you, you will be able to walk your path with your wholeness completely accessible to your beck and call.

Sample Springboard

Click here to explore