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Copyright 2007-2017. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights Reserved. Last page edit: 10/13/2014 9:59:56 PM

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Workshop Offerings

As an elementary teacher for 17 years, Mark became quite versed in facilitating a learning experience for his classroom. Throughout his career he grasped that each student has a particular learning style that works best for her, be it visual, auditory, or kinesthetic, or any combination of these. Mark has brought that awareness and experience to his workshops, providing a  wide variety of opportunities for each to succeed in digesting the topic. He pays particular attention to the environment, providing comfort and additions that translate to the feeling that they are important. In that setting Mark delivers the modalities in a random order, even varying the time of the experience.

He delivers relevant and well researched information, initiates discussion, sets up opportunities for small group/whole group/one to one sharing, integrates music and sound and the purposeful use of the voice, includes additional media, and provides a variety of opportunities to experience the topic in a personal way. Given the nature of the topics and the potential for sharing and experiencing on deep levels, he works initially to establish the just right atmosphere where all can feel safe to explore and take the kind of risks that lead to a-ha moments. He establishes a safe atmosphere for all.

For each workshop, the intention is to provide meaningful information and experience; assist in raising the personal vibrations of each participant to be more receptive to their own inner guidance and wisdom; allow and encourage the flow of emotion as elicited by the topic and the activities; promote the reawakening of imagination and wonder; create a balance between action and reflection; provide tools that will be useful and provide a meaningful change in their life; make the experience flowing, spontaneous, playful, and memorable.

Influenced by the vibrational frequency of each participant, no workshop, even if repeated, will be the same. Mark is skilled at reading the energy of the moment to make adjustments to amplify the learning and facilitate openings. In short, he is there to bring out what is inside the participant, often the wisdom to address what is going on in their current life, through the material aligned with the topic. These are unique experiences of community serving the collective frequency of one another. Perhaps, it is time to experience one of these workshop events…

  1. Tools for the Times
  2. Chakra Clearing
  3. Intro to Sound Alchemy Healing
  4. Celebrating a Conscious New Year
  5. A Very Merry Christmas
  6. The Art of Energetic Self Care
  7. Resolution Recharge
  8. Living in Delight
  9. Re Awakening
  10. Reclamation of Wonder and Imagination
  11. Personal Power
  12. Tools for Conscious Thriving
  13. Born to Manifest the Glory
  14. Reboot Your Life
  15. New Strategies for Making Your Now Moments Peace Full
  16. Advanced Manifestation and the Moving Sea of Abundance
  17. Using your Life Experiences to Empower Your Now Moments
  18. Living in Alignment with Your True Design
  19. Energetic Boundaries 101
  20. Putting being into action
  21. Wisdom of the elders
  22. Men: the sacred gates of transformation
  23. Dance of creation
  24. Ritualize got our daily lives
  25. Living with passion
  26. Becoming empty
  27. Men and women together
  28. Connecting through sacred song and dance
  29. Creating relationship with the inner child
  30. Finding your inner rhythm
  31. Sound for stress reduction
  32. Surrender and let go
  33. Solid on the earth
  34. Chant and mantra
  35. Clearing the past
  36. Creating effective and powerful affirmations and proclamations
  37. At Play in the Fields of Now
  38. Celestial Update: The Expanded Chakra System
  39. Living As If Already Whole

Some Information  and Details

As Mark travels to deliver his music and more, the ideal scenario is to have him at your spiritual center to share a musical talk, have him  do a workshop experience aligned with the talk theme, and finish it off with a concert of original songs reflecting the topic and providing music to raise one’s vibration and ignite deeper inner knowings.

In some cases this was done in one day when Mark shares music and a talk at the services, followed by an afternoon workshop, and capped with an evening concert. It is a full day of higher vibration intentional experience. Please consider this when talking to Mark about visiting your center.

When Mark is able to do all of this there can be significant adjustments to the financial arrangement. Click the boxes below to contact Mark.

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Interested in having Mark create a high frequency, contemporary,custom workshop on a topic of your choice? Just ask …