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Home Mark Stanton Welch Music for Every Soul
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Virtual Offerings

Music Sharings
(Click title to view and listen)
Video MP4:
Mother of the Living (J)
Sunshine (J)
     Prayer for Protection (J)
I Am Enough (J)
     Me and God (M)
 I Am the Perfect Work of God (M)
     A New World (P)
Life Is Free (P)

Download Free Complete Songs Sample MP3 CD

More Listening MP3 Samples

M=Meditation Song
J=Joy Song
P=Presentation Song

More information on Mark’s Musical Services


What others have said about the music

“I have connected with your music for so long, but only recently heard you incorporate a talk during the Sunday service. I was impressed. You wove the music into the words and stories and content in a masterful way. It was deep and powerful and engaging. I felt it on many levels. Always loved your songs but now I get to hear how your voice works with just words. Wow! Voice overs?!The whole experience was personal and showed your comfort with emotion and the wounds of life. You shared it in such a genuine way that I not only felt connected to you but found myself feeling my own story. What a great release I had. Beautiful. Thank you!”
—Michael Dean

"Your music is an absolute gift. I am a veterinarian who works with horses and dolphins. I play your music when I am with horses and it "feels" to play an important part in all that is going on. Thank you, thank you, thank you." Heartfelt blessings, Carol 

"I am so centered, so at peace, when listening to your voice and words. You are so blessed with a gift of expressing from the heart...even words so often used are given greater meaning. They find my heart and enhance the feeling of God's Love enfolding my very being." ...Kathy....Mesa, Arizona

"I want to let you know that when you played the song, Born, I was moved in a way that I can't explain. You touch my soul and I can finally put words to the feeling I have had for the past three years...I love the simple words of your music that mean so much"...Joanna...Sacra-
mento, CA

"I just can't express how much I enjoy your music. I bought three tapes from you and have been listening to them every chance I get, mostly in the car on my long drive to and from work. Even my 6 year old son likes your music. He'll dance around to the tape, My Oh My, which happens to be my favorite also. The song, "Testimony", is my very favorite. I think I could listen to it all day long. It gets my spirit soaring, has me singing along, and fills my heart just full of love."...Erika...Glendale, Arizona

"Like medicine to my soul, in your songs I found myself gently and gracefully being ushered home to the place of Light and what is right. Like children, all the songs are loved for their unique magic. So all are my favorite. Certain phrases stand out as affirmations as I go through my days."... Jan...New York City

"I can't tell you how much your CD, True Balance, has meant to me. It helped me to so perfectly facilitate my process. I can't stop listening to it. It is the best I've heard you do. I'm listening to it right now, in fact. The harmonies are so beautiful. The words are just what I needed to hear."...Matt...Anaheim, CA

I wanted to thank you for creating the song "If I Weren't Afraid". Every word in the song resonates with me. I just finished listening to it again and it has such an impact on me. It will be an integral part of my 'spiritual pathway'! ...Nancy...Boston, MA

Your music has been a true friend. Over the years i have struggled with love and affection not only from my family but myself. It led me to leading a life filled with rebellion, anger, and pain. i cant tell tell you how much your music has helped me. There have been times where id like to just throw my hands in the air and call it quits, and then id hear one of your songs, cry it out and suddenly feel at peace. I don’t have many people who i may lean on, and that is why i call your music my friend. When no one was there your music was, so thank you."

 Love, Alana

Music Talk
(Click title to view and listen)
Audio MP3:
Unity of Kent, WA Pt 110/26/2014
Unity of Kent, WA Pt 2 10/26/2014
     Unity of Portland, OR 8/8/2013
Unity of Cambria, CA 4/19/2020
Video MP4:
Unity of Mesa, AZ 7/12/20

More information on Mark’s Speaking Services

Most of  my creations are a personal investment in experiencing, understanding, and integrating my own moments of living. When I write songs I have learned to serve the vibration of the unfolding moment. They serve the spirit of creation mostly. Sure, I may have an assignment to write but, even then, I usually wait until I can feel the energy gathering to feed the event for which I am writing. It is a privilege to serve that wave of Light that always delivers. My writings serve my awareness. I research to gain information to ignite inner awareness and birth insight. The process itself opens me up more and helps me ingest the richer life all around. That what I have penned in service of the greater good is connected to by others listening and feeling, is a grand and glorious gift. And for them to take time to let me know the impact...I am just so grateful…

Here is a sampling of what I have received as blessings through the years...
-Mark Stanton Welch

Music for Every Soul

Audio Interview
(Click title to view and listen)
Audio MP3:
Susan King Radio Interview
Heartbeat Radio Julie Cosmariu
     Bill Paul Radio Interview



Deep Blessings to you in these profound times,

My name is Mark Stanton Welch. I am a singer/songwriter, inspirational speaker, change facilitator, spiritual mentor, and sound alchemist. In these transformational times when so much information and inspiration is being delivered directly into the homes of a rapidly increasing number of conscious individuals via multiple online offerings, I want to introduce myself to make you aware of how I am able to support your church services and additional events in a variety of ways. I have a long history in New Thought of delivering conscious music and inspirational musical talks since the early 1990’s..


Services Offered:


Audio and audio video samples of my music and talks can be enjoyed be selecting the various links
at the bottom of the page


Available by request…email:   

Fee Schedule:


 Mark Stanton Welch
 Phone: 805.927.2416 (office) or 805.660.5989 (Cell/text)
 Mailing Address: PO Box 1331 Cambria, CA 93428

Additional Offerings:

“The union of music and spirit is the driving force of my life. From the times of writing about the lost relationships and the struggles of my early 20’s through the creation of Sunday morning songs that opened the hearts of a congregation into the songs that chronicled the ushering in of the Aquarian Age, I have been loyal to my mission: create the songs that serve the ever changing vibration…I Am all about assisting others to remember themselves. The veils are being lifted in mighty ways and our greatest woundings, our castles of resistance, our veils of protection are being shattered to reveal the simple beauty of the I AM That I Am Expressing as Me… as You.”  - Mark Stanton Welch

A Resource...

Mark, after hosting a few of your workshops and home concerts, I want to extend my gratitude to you for the impact you have had on the attendees and me. Friends are still thanking me for inviting them from as long as 2 years ago due to the changes they’ve made in their lives after obtaining new clarity, opening their hearts more, increasing well-being, healing, and generally getting outside their own boxes. Thank you for being such a caring, rare, and gifted resource to others!

Blessings, Jan A.