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“This cosmos is built of oscillating energy, guided by the All That Is and the I Am That I Am within each of us. Our moments organize to reflect the frequency of our inner being. We have a True Frequency identity by design. Our cells, our organs, our systems, are all energy based with their harmonic expression of replication and health. When the energetic bodies are supported in their work of cleansing our moments of living we purr and have the health, energy, balance, and presence to move through the forms of living our Higher Self calls to our experience.

Thoughts, upon creation,  vibrate to create thought forms, energetic magnets that call forth experience. Repeated thoughts align to make stronger the subsequent forms. Patterns develop. Higher frequency thoughts elevate and bring the cells into resonance. Giving gratitude calls forth more opportunities to express and experience gratitude. Vibration of this kind creates harmonic music that supports life.

Vibrations can resonate with one another to influence the form. We can align a negative experience by feeding it clarity in thought, emotion, and belief. The more we keep awareness on our moments and respond to the forms the more easily and quickly we can maintain the flow by shifting our responses. -Excerpted from Weekly Gratitudes

As a vibrational being you are in a constant state of oscillating change…flowing through life responding to the forms before you, creating the next moment as you flow in that current vibration. Wow! If that is the case then I can do something about how life shows up and how I respond to it!  Absolutely. Start creating relationship with your personal vibration…and how might I do this, you may ask?

Let me create a personalized Sound Alchemy Treatment, designed to jump start your conscious vibrational flow and establish a functioning pathway upon which to build and expand.

What is involved?

  1. A 30-45 minute phone interview to determine a starting point based on who, what, and where you are right now.
  2. I will take this information and intuit a program containing some or all of the following elements:

A.  Specific chakra alignment treatment to clear or amplify your current chakra frequencies.

B.  Specific tuning fork treatments for organs and glands and energetic systems

C.  Support and empowerment chants and mantras

D.  A set of intentional songs to walk with you in these transitions

E.  Spoken word treatments to cleanse and clarify your thought/belief storehouse to step into much higher vibrational integrity with your design

F.  Provide a means to call forth and access relevant personal celestial guidance

G.  Provide a set of specific high frequency gratitudes to attract like frequency experiences

H.  A personal Movement rhythm with which to create relationship

I.    3 Take Action Suggestions

J.   Select tonal treatments that may include bi-naural beat subliminals and audibles infused with scalar waves

3.  Your personalized Sound Alchemy Treatment will be assembled in 3-5 days.

4.  A link to download your treatment program will be sent to you upon completion.

5.  If, desired the program can be put on a CD or a Flashdrive for a small additional charge for materials and shipping.

Here in early May of 2020 we are navigating profound expansive times that are shaking and shifting the very foundations upon which we have functioned as individuals and a s a collective for as long as most of us can remember. Vibrationally, there is significant oscillation of what is called your personal frequency to cleanse, renew, realign, recharge, and reactivate your true vibrational signature that contains your esoteric blueprint and template. You are advised to immerse yourself in this flow, this gift of a loving Cosmos to wake up to you…please consider letting me assist you in getting a jump on the new life that is pulling you in all directions…Mark Stanton Welch

This brand new sound alchemy treatment is inspired by the swiftly moving energies of these early 2020 times. The support that is washing over and through us is stirring our personal reservoirs of the unprocessed/unspoken moments of living that have compromised us and directed us to beliefs and patterns of living a life far short of our potential and our design.

This Cosmic intervention is a supreme gift that will free us up to become aligned with our true design…at last. Sound is the common element that forms and sustains and maintains all life. Conscious application of sound principles can alter the way life unfolds and redirect how you respond to that which is brought to your own altar of awareness.

Be in the first wave of those experiencing these new techniques of personal amplification to consciously walk in your eternal life template while being in the physical.

Wow…click below to get your questions answered if you have any…


Email Mark with questions

Are you ready for an adventure? Come on in… the vibration is amazing!

Secure this brand new process at an introductory special
half off price of


When we move out of stay in place and usher in the next phase the price will return to $200.

Let’s do this together…click the button below and  
you will have
your treatment
within a week.

Personalized Sound Alchemy

All over the world, there is a pure vibration…all is in motion in an energy sea…all is in motion…yes even you and me