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Session One: Music and Spirit...An Historical Overview

What Is a Healing Musician?

Continued on Page Two

An Introduction to Energy Bodies

Our Esoteric Design

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In the beginning was the Word...the vibration of the All That Is...expressing. In these frequencies of Eternity the first song was created. The sub-atomic and atomic oscillations are the source code of the ongoing musical soup from whence creation rises. All vibration has sound. Subsequent frequencies/pitches from the original sounding carry the potential of composition as music. Honing one’s awareness to include this spectral band is a foundation element of the healing musician’s palette.

Music heals because it is specific intentional vibration with a rhythm, a pulse, pitch, a melody, a key, and a lyric, at times. The multi-dimensional evolution of sound gives the healing musician a sequence of tools to apply to personal composition and creation. From the Source, the Spirit, comes the one vibration from which all others arise. Riding the wave of OM, one breathes in the infinite potential to apply to the elements of song. Through the unique experience, current vibration, energy body condition, mental awareness, and spiritual connection of the composer, the song is born into this third dimension do its work.

In the birth times of human expression upon earth, the spiritual connection was uninterrupted and easily accessible. From this conduit the first utterances poured out through the universal phonemes...the vowels: ah, ay, ee, oh, oo. These words of power touched into the Source to translate personal emotion into expression. Initially, all had access to the soundings, which, ultimately, kept the organism free from blockage so that all channels, communication, energy, life force, inspiration, were open and clear. Essentially, all were in the flow.

Combining and aligning into community gave need for communication. Repeated sounds identified objects, conditions, feelings, names...the birth of language. Vowels are an open flow of the vocal mechanism, conveying emotion, as stated. Experimenting with the vocal mechanism quite possibly gave rise to short, quick sounds that interrupted the flow of the vowels. When applied to vowel sounds they increased the identifiable “words”. Specific vocabulary reflected the consensus of the group culture.

Observing nature gave rise to the awareness of the rhythmic cycles of life. Hearing the soundings of animals demonstrated a pattern. As we are rhythmic beings by design, it is easy to see how created rhythms aligned with the flow, often easing the drudgery of tasks....the beginnings of chant, of song.

Simply by sounding the voice one can observe and discern how sound is reflected vibrationally in the physical. Careful observation can easily pinpoint specific locations, especially of the vowels, in the physical body. By raising and lowering the voice one could feel the changing impact of the vocalizations.  In these rudimentary beginnings of melody, one could experience the energetic impact upon self and others in the vicinity. Certain repetitions of pitch became desirable because of their consistent effect. Doing it over and over typically amplified the condition, often putting one into an altered state, simply due to the impact of frequency and repetition patterns upon the brain waves. Chant and mantra and song developed quickly.

The evolution of humankind from the spirit realms was a process of energetic development. Rudolph Steiner indicates that intervals of two or more notes sounded at the same time or in succession had to be slowly evolved due to the severe energetic impact upon the body. First came the octave, then the fifth, and, much later, the third and fourth. There simply was no awareness until the energy system was ready and receptive. Thus, early “songs” were very monotone. Few notes repeated focused upon a specific area within the body, most likely aligned with the chakra energy centers.

The slow moving process of music was in motion. The growing experiential awareness and use of the open conduit with spirit and the subsequent downloads of insight and information available to all precipitated the birth of intentional song...conveying the guided spiritual into the earth plane. Over time and, most likely, in all cultures, a repertoire developed. Growing numbers of chants, mantras, songs, and sounds became available to those who would listen.

The fertile ground of intentional song required that the host be ready for the vibration, otherwise it would not take seed. Once the vocal mechanism is there, the language is there, the awareness of sound’s impact on the energy bodies is there, the connection with spirit is there, the experience of pitch and rhythm and melody are there, then music can turn fully down the road of a healing modality. Not only has this been an evolution of the species, but it is also the same awareness and application that you, the creator of healing music, are required to follow for impactful creations.

Specific healing music evolved from its conscious use of pitched vowel soundings, to rhythmic cadences, to sing-song intentional phonemes as mantras, to conscious altering chants, to songs conveying spiritual truth, to inspired and spontaneous creations specifically for the client, to intentional songs that spoke an affirmative/positive statement to be implanted into the subconscious through repetition, to the current eclectic collaborations of voice, ethnic chant, and instruments/sound tools. All are essential and available to the present day healing musician.

The voice is, in my opinion, the most effective and powerful healing tool. Knowledge of its parameters and workings paired with a thorough exploration of its capabilities and expressions would provide a wide variety of pitch and tonality from which to draw healing music. What follows is a cursory look at additional sonic tools that would augment the tool box of the healing musician.

2.  Gongs, Bells, and Cymbals. Each has its own characteristics that enable it to impact the body energy field. Cymbals are a wash                of frequencies particular capable of cleansing the fields around and in the body. Gongs are a larger and deeper form of the cymbal,             much more pitch oriented. Thus they can be more focused in use. Bells provide a unique combination of fundamental tone (soft) and
            the harmonic partials that give each a unique tonality. They are useful for keeping the listener grounded and attentive.

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