Chakra Pitch Interval Sequences

Healing Music Musician Training

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Session Two: Pitch and the Chakras, page 2

Additional Sequences

When certain chakra pitches are aligned in a sequence they serve to clear a specific, intentioned pathway. These sequences empower openings and connections that allow the free flow of energy between chakras. The sequences can be used in clearing sluggish pathways or to open up/establish a new one. Both purposes are in alignment with the healthy, balanced function of the chakras. Integrating them via new communicative streams is a new way of approaching their interrelationship. Concurrent clearing and vibration raising can be accomplished through these melodic sequences.

What follows is a wide variety of the melodic sequences for you to experience and use. Each has an explanation regarding the sequence and chakras used as well as the intention for the sequence. In addition, each is played in a sound example in the MP3 player immediately below. Simply select the sequence to hear it played.

I will list the sequence title followed by the note sequence followed by the chakra sequence followed by the explanation.

  1. Earth and Heaven Balance      C’CBC”F      Earth Star/Root/Crown/Soul Star/ Heart     
    The grounding and empowering energy of the Earth is brought to the root to solidify foundation. This frequency is then carried to the crown where is is immersed in higher frequencies to balance body and mind. Moving up to the Soul Star the frequency is then bathed in the symbolic coding of the cosmos to realign purpose and specific life tasks. Finally it is brought back to Heart to set it in the Love frequency for application in one’s moments.
  2. Clearing Woundings    C’CDGC’    Earth Star/Root/Sacral/Throat/Earth Star     
    The grounding and empowering energy of the Earth is brought to the root to solidify foundation. It then sweeps through the Sacral to pick up any frequency of woundedness, abuse, depression, lack of creativity, etc. Moving to the throat where is clears away parallel blockages in the form of unexpressed words/emotion, it routes down the right side back to the Earth Star to deposit and release the lower frequency energetic debris, thus completing the cleansing cycle.
  3. Clearing Resistance to Action   C’CEAC’     Earth Star/Root/Solar Plexus/Third Eye/Earth Star     
    The grounding and empowering energy of the Earth is brought to the root to solidify foundation. Moving to the Solar Plexus it balances power frequencies and clears resistance to taking action and moving forward with one’s purpose. At the third eye it takes the will and action  and feeds it vision and a higher perspective to allow clear decisions and action that is open to adjustment. Moving down the right side it regrounds in the Earth Star to release lower frequency energetic debris and solidify the support of the Earth to manifest the vision.
  4. Heart Centered Vision     C’CFBA     Earth Star/Root/Heart/Brow/Third Eye     
    The grounding and empowering energy of the Earth is brought to the root to solidify foundation. At the Heart the energy is immersed in Love before going to the Crown where it is bathed in higher frequencies and universal wisdom. Moving to the Third Eye it how one sees and experiences the world. It causes one to see through the eyes of Love.
  5. Throat Cleanse     C’CGDC’     Earth Star/Root/Throat/Sacral/Earth Star     
    The grounding and empowering energy of the Earth is brought to the root to solidify foundation. At the throat it clears lower frequencies of the words unspoken. In this clarity it moves to the Sacral and balances the source pain of the unsaid. Cleansing the lower frequency energetic debris in the Earth Star is the final step.
  6. Putting Vision into Action    C’CAEC’     Earth Star/Root/Third Eye/Solar Plexus/Earth Star     
    The grounding and empowering energy of the Earth is brought to the root to solidify foundation. At the Third Eye it opens up the vision center to multi-dimensional levels. Taking these higher frequencies into the Will center it puts action and power into the visions and initiates the courage to take the steps forward. Lower frequency energetic residue is released at the Earth Star.
  7. Higher Self Reconnect     C’CD#B    Earth Star/Root/Sacred Chalice/Crown     
    The grounding and empowering energy of the Earth is brought to the root to solidify foundation. Moving to the Sacred Chalice it activates intuitive channels and reconnects one with original and eternal self.  Here it initiates the application of life learnings on current situations as guided by the Higher Self and etheric teachers brought in at the Crown.
  8. Higher Heart Activation     C’CF#B     Earth Star/Root/Higher Heart/Crown
    The grounding and empowering energy of the Earth is brought to the root to solidify foundation. Moving to the Higher Heart Chakra the Earth foundation is brought into alignment with supporting the activation of Agape Love, the Love of all that transcends personal love. This frequency is the fed etheric and universal information and vibration to allow it to maintain purity of purpose.
  9. Divine Guidance Channel     C’CG#C”B    Earth Star/Root/Brain Stem/Soul Star/Crown
    The grounding and empowering energy of the Earth is brought to the root to solidify foundation. Moving to the Brain Stem Chakra where the energy balances any residual effects of the reptilian consciousness that predisposes fight/flight. Fed by clarifying Divine Frequencies of information and guidance downloaded through the medulla, the energy moves to the Soul Star where is empowered with symbolic celestial codings, reawakening awareness of Divine Purpose and redirected to fulfill certain life tasks/challenges/opportunities.
  10. Creativity Reactivation     C’CC#AE     Earth Star/Root/Creativity Chakra/Third Eye/Solar Plexus
    The grounding and empowering energy of the Earth is brought to the root to solidify foundation. At the Creativity Chakra blockages are removed and energy is calmed. From here the Third Eye infuses the energy with vision and inspiration and trust. At the Solar Plexus the Will is activated to motivate all creation into action.
  11. I Am Reconnect     C’CA#C”B     EarthStar/Root/Higher Brain Centers/Soul Star/Crown
    The grounding and empowering energy of the Earth is brought to the root to solidify foundation. The energy is fed to the Higher Brain Centers where the Pineal and Pituitary glands are cleansed and reactivated, resulting in a host of inner reawakenings that bring deeper understanding and knowing of the I AM Self. These openings are then washed by current codings and  the Divine Template at the Soul Star before being brought back to the Crown. From the Crown the full awareness and interaction with Self is maintained by periodic energetic washes from crown to Earth Star.
  12. Sacral Healing Wash     C’DGFC’      Earth Star/Sacral/Throat/Heart/Earth Star
    The grounding and empowering energy of the Earth is brought into the Sacral chakra to loosen any energetic memory of woundings or abuse or devaluing. This is then run through the throat where the unspoken is balanced. Into the Heart the energy is washed through compassion and forgiveness. Any energetic residue or debris is sent out of the  Earth Star to complete the cycle.
  13. Solar Plexus Jump Start     C’EABC’     Earth Star/Solar Plexus/Third Eye/Crown/Earth Star
    The grounding and empowering energy of the Earth is brought to the Solar Plexus to balance resistance to being in one’s own clear power. The energy of hesitancy and indecision are clarified. Moving to the Third Eye the clarity of vision and higher sight is applied to any subsequent actions. This energy is then embraced by the etheric and divine to always come from the perspective of the Highest Good for all involved. Finally the energetic debris from all balancing is released at the Earth Star.
  14. Love Washes the Past     C’FDGB     Earth Star/Heart/Sacral/Throat/Crown
    The grounding and empowering energy of the Earth is brought to the Heart where is immersed in the Love vibration. This then washes through the Sacral Center to neutralize past hurts and devaluings. Through the Throat where the unspoken words and energies are cleared, the energy then moves to the Crown where it is sent out to the cosmos  into the Christ Light where it will be dispensed for the highest good of all involved.

How to use
the sequences

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