Balancing the Chakras

Our bodies are a remarkable design…a self regulating energy system. If we allowed ourselves to function freely in the design then we would have few challenges on the physical and energetic level, living long, healthy lives that, in many ways, would be unlimited. But most have bought into the perceived limitations of the dimension and have adopted beliefs that limit the body by interfering with its design flow. Most dramatically, we stop the flow of energy that arises from experience. We contain emotion and we curtail expression. The end result is a backing up of energy. The energy stores in the chakras, specifically aligning in the one that holds the frequency closest to the experience.

The chakras are the energetic windows to our cosmic source. They monitor and regulate the flow of the energy in our body. Ideally they rotate at a specific frequency of health for each of us. Storing the unexpressed causes them to slow their rate of rotation, lowering their vibration and causing sluggishness. The more energy that is stored there the slower it moves and the more likely a condition manifests (typically for the purpose of getting attention to clear the stuck energy).

Knowledge of the chakras and proper chakra care is one of the most important elements of human self care. Unfortunately, most do not receive the training. If you would tend each chakra by monitoring the energy there and choosing to clear each on a daily basis, you would experience a very different, exuberant life.

Briefly, the root chakra stores survival issue and self-esteem residue; the sacral chakra stores the wounds of living, abuses, joylessness, and fear; the solar plexus stores power issues, indecision, hesitancy to act, and anger; the heart chakra holds the wounds of loving and being loved, sadness, and isolation; the throat chakra holds the unexpressed words, mostly from the compromised second chakra; the third eye chakra  holds the issues about loss of imagination and the vision for one’s life; while the crown chakra holds the loss of connection with guidance and source. The wisdom of the body takes the frequency of the moments’ challenge and stores it in the appropriate chakra center. Again, the purpose for storing is to temporarily contain the frequency for release. The problem comes when we ignore the callings of the body to release, and we just keep storing. The energy helps to create patterns that serve to keep the energy stuck.

Conscious attention to the chakras goes a long way to keep our energy flowing and supporting our true frequency of wholeness. What follow are some specific techniques to clear the chakras, hopefully on a daily basis.

Voiced Siren

As the chakras are vibration, they are profoundly effected by sound. The voice is the perfect sound tool. The energy bodies respond to sound. Energetic residue deposits on our auric field. Each deposit is a frequency of energy. The sound breaks the deposits up and releases the energy from our field. A quick and easy technique is to run a sound siren. Starting at a low pitch and using the phonetic Ah, run a siren up to the highest pitch of your voice and then back down. It literally fluffs the aura and shakes the debris off like a shaking a rug. Do this three or four times or until you feel better. You can turn it into a strong cleanser of past energetic debris by focusing on specific pitches. Start the siren and listen for guidance that says stop at the pitch. Stay there until you feel done. Then allow the siren to complete its cycle. Do this repeatedly until there are no more callings. What is happening is the body wisdom is saying a particulary energy residue is ready to release. The call to the frequency clears it. You do not even have to know what it was about. It is not needed anymore…just energy release. Upon completion, breathe deeply several times and flood the body with a clear intention, a specific color, or Light to fill up the spaces of the released energy.

Rattles and Drums

These are the tools of the shaman who works in the dimensions of energy. Rattles are each at a specific frequency. Running them down the auric field clears the debris. It is wise to have a wide variety of rattles because of the different frequencies. Using a drum grounds you and activates the earth energy to flood through your energetic field. The combination of the two is a powerful maintenance for the energy bodies.

Fluffing the Auric Field

The aura is like an energetic magnet. The Higher Self leads us into situations and environments to give us the greatest opportunity to cleanse and clear  to help us reclaim our Whole Being. Most people do not know or understand and consider life pretty random. Changing your perspective allows you to pay greater attention to your moments. Having said this, wherever we go we pick up energy. It attaches like lint to our auric field. You can rake your aura by using your fingers. Open the hands loosely and, using them like a comb, move from the top of the head to the feet all around your body. When you reach the ground shake the hands and flick the energy into the earth. You can also flick it into a cup of water. When you have completed going around the body then bring the hands up from the ground and fluff your auric field to expand it. The daily aura cleansing helps to keep any energetic residue from sticking and eventually impacting the chakras…preventive medicine.

Tones and Phonetics

Each chakra is a frequency of vibration. Each has a specific frequency of health for each of us. Keeping them purring is a powerful way to stay healthy on all levels. Each chakra responds to a tone pitch and a phonetic that zeroes in on the chakra location in the body. Though there are several different phonetics used by sound healers, I have found these I am offering the ones that work for me best. Experiment.

Using the phonetic at a specific pitch you sustain the tone for the entire breath. Take another breath and continue sounding. Go for three minutes as this is the time needed for the chakra to respond and move back to alignment. If it is difficult to sustain the tone or if it wavers a lot then you are being told that the chakra is out of balance. Continuing the pitch until you are able to sustain and the pitch is pure. This will indicate your work is done for that chakra. In each session do the work on all chakras if possible. If not then at the very least, do the first through third as these are the ones most impacted daily by the moments of living.

The phonetic and pitch  for each chakra is as follows: Root  Uh (hug)  C; Sacral  ooo (cool) D; Solar Plexus  oh  (no)  E; Heart  Ah (God) F; Throat  eh  (wet) G; brow  Ee (seed)  A; and Crown  mmm (hum)  B.

If you do not have a pitch reference then use the phonetic and, starting at a higher pitch move down or up to the location of each chakra until you feel the sound resonating the area ( Root: genitals/perineum; Sacral: three inches below navel/sacrum in lower back; Solar Plexus: just below rib cage at the stomach; Heart: center of the chest; Throat: center of the throat; Brow: just above the center point between the eyebrows; and Crown: at the top of the head where the soft spot in an infant lies.) Though this may not be the specific pitch of reference it is perfect for your body make up. Harmonics of sound are at work here…trust them.

If possible, practice this chakra clearing at least once a day, in the morning before going out or in the evening before going to bed. I invite you to go to sleep in a balanced state.

Specific Songs
Root: Roots;  Sacral Carry That Load;  Solar Plexus, Power;  Heart, Heart Please Open;  Throat, Speak My Words;  Brow, Imagination;  Crown, Will.  Follow the links in each song to listen to a sample or purchase as a download.

Spoken Word

Speaking affirmative statements aligned to the chakra can be a very powerful choice. Here are statements to use for each of the chakras:

Root Chakra

1. I Am, in all ways and on all levels, whole and complete. I require nothing or no one to fix me or fill me up. Thus, I am free to surrender to fully live and love all the forms that come my way.

2.  In all my moments I maintain my foundation and allow flexibility and flow to support me through life. I am grounded to earth and like a tree move gracefully through all the winds that may blow.

3. In all ways and at all times I am safe. I attract only situations and people of higher vibration, where I can fully be my unlimited self


1. On all levels and in all dimensions, I now completely release all fear vibrations and frequencies and residue. I choose calmness, clarity, awareness and power to surround myself always in a loving cocoon of safety.

2. In all my moments and in all dimensions I am safe, secure, wise, courageous, resourceful, whole, creative and capable.

3. In my wholeness, I allow my wildness, passion, and exuberance to spontaneously attract people and situations to me to deeply experience full-throttled living. I dance, sing and celebrate my moments with flowing creativity and unbridled delight.

Solar Plexus

1. In all my moments I easily make and take action on decisions.

2. I am a powerful being. All my knowledge, skills, talents, and capabilities are available to me at any time.

3. On all levels, in all dimensions, and in all my energy bodies, I now release the energetic residue of anger, power, and control, used by others on me, used by me upon others, or used by me upon myself. I now stand clearly and cleanly in my own power, confident, safe, and willing to make decisions and take action for the Highest Good of all involved.

1. On all levels, in all dimensions, and in all my energy bodies, I now release the energetic residue of all past relationships that did not honor me. I now choose to freely give and receive love without hesitation. I proclaim my lovability and celebrate that I am a divine expression of Love in all my moments. I bring only those beings and situations into my life who resonate in Unconditional Love. And so it is.

2. I call forth all my relationships on all levels of consciousness to stand before me as I stand before you, in Love. I ask you to forgive and honor me as I forgive and honor you. I embrace all bonds between us in unconditional Love, transmute them into the divine expression of Creative love and acknowledge that all my relationships are in Divine perfection. And so it is

3.  I proclaim the Essence of Love to be my own and command that it resonate throughout my Universe on all levels of consciousness transmuting all interfering energies into the divine expression of Creative love. And so it is.


1. I express in and through love and respect.

2. On all levels, in all dimensions, and in all my energy bodies, I now release the blockages to my free verbal expression. I set free all energetic residue contained in the unexpressed soundings of any woundings, dishonorings, devaluings I have experienced in all my incarnations. I claim my ability and right to speak and claim my truth. From this moment forward I am free to express in the world.

3. From the Divine love that flows within my Being, I command that every cell in my body and every vibration of my being align itself in Divine Perfection, for I desire to be All That I Am, I choose to be All that I Am, I Am all That I Am. I claim my identity and my Divine perfection.

Third Eye

1. On all levels, in all dimensions, and in all my energy bodies, I now release the energetic residue of all past thoughts, illusions, and beliefs that have inhibited me from seeing my true worth. I lift and release all veils over the truth of this dimension to reveal to me the beauty and love in all of life. I see and experience only through the eyes and heart of Love. And so it is.

2. I Am Creation on all levels of consciousness. I choose to be free of the holographic veils of illusions that have interfered with my ability to see my truth. I am prepared to accept responsibility for my world without distortion and illusion. I command that all thought forms and energies that have created the holographic veils and obstruct my ability to see my truth now be transmuted into divine Truth. I command that the vibration of fear that has been attached to these veils and my perceived reality be transmuted into the vibrations of Unconditional love, Joy, Peace, and Happiness, for that is the reality I choose as my own. And so it is.
                                       Proclamations of the Soul, by Rich Work

3. I open to the reclamation of my imagination in order to free my mind from all self-imposed limitations. Knowing that nothing is as it seems, I look for the infinite possibility of alternate solution in all the opportunities I am blessed with.


1. On all levels, in all dimensions, and in all my energy bodies, I now release the energetic residue of all past thoughts, illusions, and beliefs that have inhibited me from remembering my Divine Self and my constant connection to Source. I lift and release all veils over the truth of this dimension to reveal to me the beauty and love in all of life. I release all blockages to the conduit of the I Am That I Am that flows constantly into me via my opened Crown chakra. I willingly accept all the guidance, gifts, information, and inspirations that are directed to me to make easy and flowing my way through this earthly dimensional life.

2. I Am a Spiritual Being having a human experience in a physical body.

3. I Am Word through my vibration I Am Word, I Am Word.

The chakras must be tended to daily, if not more. When you do so you keep your vibration high and attract higher vibrational people and experiences to you. In this place, life can flow and you can be you, in balance.

 Tools for Conscious Living 2:
Chakra Clearing

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