By design we are balanced and clear, all systems function to make it so on a continuous basis, until the system is compromised and interrupted. Temporary interruptions can be minimally impactful but lengthy, repetitive ones can create conditions and dis-eases. Monitoring your energy daily will present the opportunities for staying clear.

One of the most compromising things we can do to our physical and energetic system is to withhold expression, of energy, sound, and word. When energy is contained it is backed up and stored in reservoirs that are thematic (fear stores in one place, anger in another) This is done so that there can be regular conscious releasing of the reservoirs, cleansing them and restoring system balance.

Retaining energy creates stress and energetic blockage which can lead to conditions that compromise the physical, mental, and mental primarily. Swallowing the energy stuffs it in the reservoirs. Know that these energetic reservoirs can only hold so much. Thus, It would follow that clearing them out and then staying clear is what is needed to flow in your life.

The unspoken is particularly challenging as it compromises your primary manifestation mechanism, the intentioned voice. Speaking one’s truth is not necessarily supported in this culture. In fact many have been silenced early in childhood and still struggle to speak and be heard, settling more for conditions that reflect the massive energetic residue stored in cell and tissue.

When we hold on to energy we resist the flow. Life is all about flow. We build walls to keep the flow in check, but, like water always finds a way, so too the energy breaks down the resistance, sometimes with huge consequences.

It follows that one can flow through the moments of living largely unencumbered by allow no resistance or constriction or holding on. When we hold on to thoughts, beliefs, patterns, people, situations, money, we create a blockage to that flow….there will be consequences. The energetic manifestation is restricted. The higher frequency energy waiting to come into form in your life is damned up by the resistance…so you wallow in whatever is going on. You escape this by letting go…or stopping the resistance. Surrender, in this case , is desirable.

To meet this end make sure that nothing is left unsaid when you go to bed. One way to do this is to go into the bathroom at the end of the day and speak all the unspoken into the toilet water. When you are complete you can flush and send all that energy down the drain. You will sleep much better and have all sorts of dreams.

Create separation from the energies of your moments by consciously cutting energetic cords when you leave a situation or person or group. In this way you will not take on any baggage.

Another useful tool is to make a comprehensive list of anyone you have any anger residue with. For each set up a situation where you invite them (figuratively) to sit in an empty chair in front of you. Then, making sure you are alone and can speak out loud, speak the words you need to say to them in the manner that is best. When you are complete turn and walk away from the chair. Speak your full birth name once and then do another name on the list. Clearing this energetic baggage will raise your personal vibration immensely and also lighten your moments.

Stay clear, my friend. It is a conscious choice that pays huge dividends in clarity, health, and joy full moments.

 Tools for Conscious Living 19:
Clearing and Letting Go

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