Reclaiming one’s knowing of their design allows the value and esteem to infiltrate the resistance and replace the misinformation.  There are several ways for this to initiate and flow. One is to clear resistance and energetic debris out of the way to allow the truth to percolate up. Another is to begin to feed new information of clarity into the self to encourage the old to move and be replaced. Yes, there are variations, and yes, the combination of strategies is probably the most powerful track to start with.

The transition can be challenging because of the momentum of the old beliefs and habits and patterns. Usually we start to believe that is who we are. The cultural and familial influences are strong to perpetuate the belief and investment that we are all less than the other. To compound matters the ones who appear to have it all (looks, money, possessions, position, status, power) are  too often miserable and on substances to quell the emptiness that comes from filling from the outside. It is wise and advisable to extricate oneself from the advertising, the media blitz, the comparisons, the people who maintain old beliefs through their words and actions, the thoughts that hold us down.

Choosing to regulate the external influences and reinforcements is a necessary first step. The information coming in must be transformed into life affirming washes of high frequency truth. This is a moment by moment process of making choices to change the way it has been and, as such, can meet with limited success in the first days. Perseverance is absolutely required no matter the forms or the pressures to stay the same. Those around have invested in our being compromised and often resist the change because it brings them face to face with their own mis-truths.

Life is beautiful. We are each magnificent creations capable of so much we are not even aware of. The Earth is a paradise still, despite what humanity has done to her. In these knowings, we move forward slowly, reinforcing new truths that resonate with and from the cells. The waking up is a process that will be a start and stop for awhile. We will make mistakes and slip back often. Yet, once begun, the success of the journey is inevitable. Our design will always triumph, especially in these times with so much celestial energetic assistance. It is time to shake off the worn out limiting beliefs and actions. You have never been less than.

It is essential that one step off the comparison wheel. The programming has taught us to usually be one down, finding the other more desirable. Akin to this is the overly critical actions that activate the Universal Law of Focus, assuring that the focus point becomes that which is called to us. The common wisdom is that we see our own issues in others. So, use your capacity to criticize others as the vehicle that points to where your work is to be done.

Reinvigorating self esteem requires one to stop finding fault with self. Turning rather to seeing beauty and accomplishment and reinforcing these with focus, word, and action will serve to offset the damage of years of misperception. Exercising active gratitude can go far in changing where one puts attention, focusing on the richness of life rather than the perceived flaws. This process activates the magnetism of bringing forth more to be grateful for. Not feeding the dogma of personal flaw and limitation is the new baseline that prevents additional self-esteem diminishment.

Once these behavioral patterns are diverted by the above choices then the clearing out of the old energetic debris , limited thinking, and inaccurate beliefs, must be initiated.

The comparison wheel is perpetuated by cultural advertising and the incessant need to fit in, be liked, and become good enough. The self esteem industry is purposefully erratic and ever changing. Just as what is desirable in human body looks has changed frequently over time historically, the idea of what it is to be good enough and fit in is an oscillating merry go round of disappointment and pressure. And yet, most are trapped by it. A variation of the need to fit in is the tendency to decide what people are thinking about you…filling in the blanks…a behavior that is most often inaccurate to begin with, and, ultimately a massive waste of time and inner resources. The learned pressure filled action of self put down is well entrenched in most. This must stop…no two ways about it.

Tending your self-esteem and re-establishing your personal value base require action. Here are some suggested activities that will assist you in remembering your magnificence:

Reflect back on your life and make a list of all that you remember being told was wrong with you. Be thorough and include the strong ones as well as those that seemed so small.

Make a list of what you consider your shortcomings. What is wrong with you as seen through your eyes? List the things that would make your life better if only you could change them.

Invite your child self to join in and list all the ways she feels not good enough. Ask him what he thinks is wrong with him.

Set these lists before you and take a few deep breaths. These have defined your life in many ways. It’s time to get into this pile and start to weed it out. Some of these are simply not true. They were taught or told and we, for whatever reason, chose to believe. Put an NT for not true next to them. Some of them you have proven wrong by growing and yet, they still impact you. Put an NLR for no longer relevant. Some are physical based and there is nothing that can be done, aside from cosmetic surgery, about them. Put a P next to them for physical. Some of these are taught to you by friends or family or culture. Put a T for taught next to them. Are you beginning to see that most of these are erroneous? Go through now and circle the ones that have impacted you the most.

Now, for all those not circled, I invite you to address them one by one. Read them out loud. Feel them and notice the response in your body, if any. Tell them, “I see you. I thank you for what you have shown me along the way. I forgive you for the pain and discomfort you have caused me. I forgive myself for believing in you and compromising my life. You simply are not true. You hold no power over me. I now choose to release you and all the residue energy attached to believing in you and the acting on that belief. I release you and set you free. Be gone! Goodbye!”…then cut the cord of connection with it with a “Suh Htep Nah”. Then get up and turn and walk away from the energy and memory of it. Do this for every one of these.

For those you have circled, I invite you to copy them to a new page put that list in a safe place for a future session on core issues.

Once the energetic memory has cleared after each has been faced, seen, blessed, and released, you are ready to begin reprogramming with the new truths. Refer back to the list above. Put everything into first person I statements.  Add anything you are guided to add. Put each at the top of the page. Divide the page into two columns. On the left side write down the statement. On the right side write down your first response, which likely will be something negative or not in agreement. Continue this sequence until you get agreement on the right side. This is the opening you have been looking for.

Then begin on a 21 day repetition program saying, at the least, once in the morning and once before going to bed. The more you repeat the more efficient the programming. You might even want to record yourself speaking each. Then listen to the recording throughout the day. You are creating your new personal life affirming belief system here.

Of course, the possibility exists that you will be revisited by the old beliefs. Natural. Recognize them. Tell them they have no power over you…be gone. Then replace the thought with an affirmative statement that states the desired new truth. Also, you can use the word, “cancel” when the old belief arises. The process of revisitation is part of the journey for you to demonstrate to self and cosmos your new frequency living. Like a spiral you come back to what was once important, but in a new and higher vibration to see how you will respond and discern if there is still work to do. Eventually, you will not have the reoccurrences.

Message to Inner Child

Precious One….there is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing you have to fix. You are not less than others. You are not flawed or limited or broken. The original design of you, the beautiful, powerful, unlimited version of you,still lives in your cells and is reawakening because of the journey you are on. The old beliefs and patterns are being replaced by the expanding truth of your being that is being released and seeded into your energetic bodies and systems.

From this moment forward you are invited to lay down the judgements, the comparisons, the fault finding, the feelings of hopelessness, the thoughts that others are better than you…all of it. It serves you no more to subscribe to limited and false thinking. Those old ways are fast crumbling. In your magnificent wholeness you shall thrive, just like every other being on this planet Earth. All of us activated allows living fully for us all. There is no conflict in this for all is available to all. It is about finally experiencing the Earth plane in all its glory and beauty. Doing so sets you on the threshold for the multi dimensional life you are designed for.

Enjoy these moments as you integrate this new way of living in alignment. No worries…

 Tools for Conscious Living 16:
Blossoming Self Esteem

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