It’s all about vibration…an Omniverse fabricated on the incessant oscillations of the frequency of Love, in constant change, and regulated, essentially, by music. Sound births form…it is that powerful. And this is why your own voice is such a powerful tool of manifestation…more on this in a session to come. Life is vibration and thus, can be impacted by other vibration, raising or lowering frequency or pitch to impact the form and experience in the now moment.
There is a soundtrack to your life. It starts with the vocalizations you made as a newborn infant. Your own orchestra of tones that served to clear and clean your inner structure and your outer energy bodies. Innocent babblings that kept bringing you back to balance were the norm until you were shushed the first time. That initiated a process of storing the energy of the unexpressed in your cells and tissues and chakra/energetic system, a process that has impacted your life ever since.
The internal yearning of human souls is to find their own music, their own song from which they are sourced. It is a journey of stops and starts and pieces or recollection that finally delivers their home frequency.
So, what does this have to do with music? Every piece of music ever written and performed has potential impact upon you. As the music is sound and frequency it interfaces with your own vibrating self on all levels and influences your own state of health. Some music stirs the soul and ignites inspiration while other music shocks the system and leads to temporary chaos. It all has relevance. You are designed to be clear and function at a high level in all your capacities. Life and the humans and the events interfere with that. And still, the inner call is to get home…to the musical, harmonized you.
Music, in all of its forms, its genres, its styles, is available to you in the now. Your connection with it is based on your own vibrational needs to reclaim balance. In the big picture, the style/artist you are currently attracted to is temporary, a prescription to oscillate you back to health. Songs come and go. Some remain because of their deeper impact, their capacity to resonate with the truth of you. What is beautiful about a song is that, upon hearing it again after not hearing for awhile, you can immediately remember the circumstances and feelings of when it was a big part of your sonic palette.
We are influenced by our surroundings, our community, our family, ,our generation, our exposure, our past lives to resonate with a form of music. We develop favorites and like to listen to it a lot, for better or worse. Let’s look at what is involved. In a song and your “listening to it”.
Most music, except classical and strictly instrumental, is made of of a set of common elements: melody/pitch, rhythm, key, chordal structure, harmony, instrumentation that provides tone color, lyric, and overall feel…to you. Likely, when it was penned, it was infused with the experience, the unprocessed energetics, the emotions, the history, the intent, the woundings, of the writer. Energetically that all is still contained in the song every time it is heard by anyone. It is an essential part of the connection with the song. For connection is not a surface thing. People feel a song deeply and, in so doing, connect with the elements above. It is part of the catharsis of the song. And so, it impacts the listener, stirring the unprocessed, likely assisting in a clearing of old energetic woundings. The release happens and is supported mightily by dancing and singing to the music, for each of these expressions is a key component of clearing old energy.
The love affair, the relationship with the song lasts until the energy that needed to move has been moved. The interest wanes and a new favorite find its way into the life of the listener. In this way music serves us in beautiful and essential ways…healing you by bringing your frequency back into alignment.
Start paying attention to the songs you like and explore the bigger picture/ You will find gold there, a roadmap to clearing and, hopefully, healing. But, wait…there’s more!
A piece or a genre of music can either raise, lower, or sustain your personal vibration. Lowering vibration is not desirable as it will tend to physicalize the unprocessed energies into a challenging condition, or alter your frequency to begin to attract lower frequency, less life affirming, individuals. Higher frequency music will do the opposite, raise your personal vibration, clear old debris, and attract to you individuals of higher light filled vibration. If it sustains your frequency then it is neutral, and likely you will use it when you want to just be who you currently are in the moment, like a soundtrack to your current experience.
The more conscious you become about your listening to music then the more you can begin to massage your own vibration back to a place of balance. Music will expand you or turn you inward based on its use of scale, major or minor, primarily. When you want to play and celebrate you are drawn to songs in major keys. When you want to reflect or problem solve, minor songs help a great deal in your inner focus. Rhythms that align with your heartbeat, around 60 Beats Per Minute can go far in centering you, while songs above 120 BPM will energize you. The melody of the song will interact with your own chakra system every time it shifts, and that can be a useful thing to assist in clearing. Some melodies are timeless and impact all because of their dance through the chakras, unbeknownst to most.
It is the lyric where most of the raising or lowering of the vibration can take place. Every lyric is a potential affirmation to your subconscious self, calling forth in kind experiences that are aligned. Your own Higher Self will steer you to music that will serve to help bring you back to alignment, through clearing and then infusing new higher frequency affirmations. Remember, there is much emotion, especially from the writer, infused in the song. Certain genres of music are angry and fearful and driven by woundings at the hands of the culture. This is an essential part of each generation finding their style, to express the unique elements of being them.
When rock and roll was birthed in the 50’s, the songs were about rebellion in a more gentle form than today. It was a different world. Most songs were about dancing and having fun, or the real life components and moods of relationships. The fear and anger and sense of hopelessness that is a current part of today’s evolving world and cultures puts out a different vibration…and that is not necessarily life affirming. Many songs are demeaning to another, preaching violent behavior, filled with judgment and criticism. On one hand that is what music is for, to express…and that is wonderful.
The challenge is that the lyrics, when sung over and over, seed the subconscious with thoughts and eventual beliefs that will attract more of the same experiences (due to Universal Law of Attraction). With constant listening to and the singing of the song and lyric, we are simply and powerfully affirming the arrival of like experience in our own lives. Consciously knowing this can serve you in counteracting the energetics.
Let’s face it, some music just feels good. We like it and want to sing it, especially with the group of friends or strangers on the dance floor. This collective experience is unifying. Of course, be a part of it. The caution is to use your own discernment about what you are letting into your inner core. At the very least, when the song is done, reaffirm a higher frequency tenet to your own being by affirming internally or out loud (better). Cut the energetic cords of the experience so that you do not carry the attachments with you, which can wind their energetic way into you more deeply. Brush your hands down the front of your body to sever the energetic cords of the experience. It is that simple, and consciously done. Stay clear and clean while you do life in all its forms.
The encouragement is to develop taste for a wide variety of musical styles for each has a frequency, a feel, and some generic themes and intentions. Find a way to use classical music for it is a high frequency creation, on the whole, fed by the very high frequency of the Celestial spheres, designed to massage and amplify the human physical and energetic body. It has moods and stops and starts and instrument variation and movement from major to minor…all serving to give you a complete wash while listening/experiencing.
Be aware of musical forms that are simply lower vibration. Much heavy metal is. Some contemporary variations of rap demean others and hold lifestyles that compromise others and promote greed and acquisition of stuff. We could go on here, but remember, each style has its purpose and its energetic impact. Be aware and sensitive to what it does to you. Notice how you feel when you are through with the experience. What kinds of thoughts follow the experience? What shows up when you bring this style of music into your daily listening. You will get signs and information that will allow you to discern your own path.
Widen your palette of preference. Include some classical, some New Age, some positive new age vocal, some chant and mantra and intentional songs. It will increase your energetic enjoyment of music on the whole and allow you to use the vibrational tool to keep you in a place of balance. Music can be used to control and infuse trance states to run an agenda…or it can elevate your experience of life…and there is the all that lies between. And that is your choice, every time you hear a song and choose to listen or not…nurture yourself, your current vibration, is a primary call in your moments of living. Let your musical choices serve that intention.
Tools for Conscious Living 11:
Consciousness and Music