The vowels in all languages contain emotion. The can be slow to develop as the moth and tongue move to articulate them , extending their potent sound and frequency. One calls upon the vowels to assist in the loosening of the historical energetic debris of life up until this moment.
These vowels are natural sounds that just fall out of the mouth: ah when we sigh; oh when we are surprised or want to establish personal space; ee when we are frightened; oo when we are startled and disagree with something; on and on. Of course there are other uses for each sound. The point is that we are creatures of sound and expression. Given permission we will make sound. But many have surrendered their permission.
Making vowel sounds gives the permission back and cleans out the pipes to open the conduits of full bodied expression. In contrast, the consonants contain, putting fences around the vowels. They slice and dice and create separation.
Use the vowels and explore their power:
Learn more about all the vowels and consonants and their use in healing in Level One of the Sound Alchemy course.