Vocal Mechanism Care
Caring for the voice and all its parts is an important part of your sound healing creations. Self care allows the source vehicle to be coming from a clearer place energetically, which translates to more impactful creations. Clarity begets clarity. Since the voice is such an intimates part of everyone, the power of that voice cannot be overemphasized. Your voice reflects your inner condition and balance. Do all you can to nurture and maintain it. What follows are some suggestions that will support your voice.
- Refrain from smoking. Not only only does smoking damage the delicate membranes of the vocal box but it also compromises the lungs and the foundation of the breath. This translates to diminished vocal power. A gravely voice may be fine for the blues, but pure tones contain more frequencies that will impart a healing vibration. Besides you can consciously create a bluesy voice by placement.
- Avoid as much as possible, straining the voice due to excess. Pushing too hard, talking during the break in a loud club, screaming, shouting…all these put demands on the vocal cords and adjoining muscles. We have all experienced the hoarseness that comes from strain or overuse. It feels like you want to clear your throat, but nothing results when you do. Excessive s, repeated strain can lead to nodules on the cords, which will seriously impact your ability to sing, sometimes permanently. Be mindful. To clear phlegm on the cords voice the lowest pitches you can while humming. Slowly rise and fall with the pitch to locate the phlegm…you can feel it because the voice loses its pure tone. Stay humming at that pitch until you loosen the debris from the cord. Keep working the pitches until you feel clearer. Also, inhaling steam will moisten the cords and clear debris.
- Conscious care of the throat chakra will help to cleanse offending energies of the unexpressed that impact the tonality and power of the voice. Second chakra issues are often the unexpressed woundings of living. These words and feelings will impact the throat chakra. Daily cleansing of the chakras by speaking what must be spoken in a safe space will go far to keeping your throat energetically sound. It is not required that the healing musician have a lot of pain to draw from. Releasing the energetic debris of the past relieves the restrictions…the memory of the experience can still be drawn upon.
- Regular toning by running sirens up and down using the phonetic Ah will help to clear one’s auric field and energy bodies. Doing this will keep you clean. Repeatedly ignoring the impact of environmental energy on our being usually results in increasing amounts of debris that weighs us down and compromises our clarity, joy, and power.
- Regular practice of overtoning will allow the mechanism to remain nimble. The harmonic frequencies generated from overtones has a tonifying and cleansing effect on all the chakras and the energy bodies. The clearer you remain the more relevant and impactful your creations.
- Vocal play keeps the spirit and the mechanism well oiled. Exploring sound and its impact not only cleanses you but acquaints you with new sounds and births new tools, tones, and soundings. Be like the infant and make sound with your mouth as if for the first time. See what moving the tongue does. Work the jaw and lips and shape of the mouth and notice. Become versed in what you are capable of so that you can include these elements in your creations.
- Monitor the words that come out of your mouth. Everything is energy. Words spoken are commands to the universe to manifest that which is spoken. Unless you really desire what you say, be mindful and aware. Words from a language carry energetic baggage that influences our fields and systems. Negative words and phrases, especially spoken with great emotion are powerful attractants. Pulling in lower frequency energy can only compromise your clarity and, ultimately, your creations. Sure an F-bomb feels good and powerful, but what is the energetic result. Be aware and begin to see how your words shape your reality and experience. Put this awareness in your creations. It will really make a difference.
- Get in the beautiful habit of mindful breathing. Your voice is only as strong as the foundation. Breathing deeply and slowly to your belly will result in a host of positives. You will be calmer, less stressed, more centered, and more present. Your tones will be purer and easily sustained. Your organs and systems will be nourished by the increased oxygen and chi that flows through you. Regular breathing practices are highly beneficial.
- Express gratitude and beauty through your words. Witness this magnificent dimension and earthly plane. See and comment on the beauty of life. These words and intentions and observations are a healing salve to the body, mind, emotions, and spirit.