The Vibration of These Times (2014)

The higher your vibration the more sensitive you are to the energy around you. You pick up the vibes that many simply miss. You know the vibrations on the planet have shifted significantly in a relatively short time. Exploring this will help you to have a foundation of knowledge to allow you to navigate successfully these magnificent changes.

1987 began the 25 year cycle of quickening vibration that culminated with the December 21, 2012 threshold crossing. The first of what were considered celestial events was a call to Lightworkers to go to power spots around the planet and hold space for the opening of the ley lines, energy meridians, of the the Earth. It was the beginning of the awakening and the shifting of the Earth energies into higher vibration. I went to Mt. Shasta in California and held space with about 2000 others on the mountain. I had no idea what I was doing, but I heard the call and showed up.That was important

Millenium was the gateway into the 21st century. Fear mongers perpetuated another end of the world scenario. The thing to remember is that the energies were not idle. The projections of doom were actually possibilities. But the collective shift of enough people shifted that possibility into another form, one of more quickly shifting vibrations. Even as these energies shifted the forces of Light increased forcing the lower frequencies to respond to keep the status qua…thus terrorism and 9/11 and the subsequent loss of freedoms under the guise of public safety. This also began to reveal the obvious tactics of the “power elite” to exert control over the masses. The wolf in sheep’s clothing began to become visible.

2012 was a major shift in the frequency of planetary life, the transcendence of astrological ages, and the culmination of the 25 year quickening. Through doomsday scenarios the Lightworkers ushered in a new frequency of vibration that was healing humanity one at a time, as well as supporting the Earth in an energetic cleanse that is akin to a dog coming out of the water shaking vigorously. The significance of the 2012 threshold is that individuals can longer hide behind their wounds and believed limitations. The Universal energetic intention has blessed all with energy that is forcing the clearing of our own limited thinking and the junk we carry from our ignorance. It is not a pretty or easy experience by any means. But the world is fast becoming a lighter place. As the outer reflects the inner we are seeing the shifting of the forms that have kept people in a false sense of safety, falling far short of their design potential. The shifts in finances, institutions, leadership, community, health, environment are manifesting quickly through this vast energetic cleanse. These are, indeed, good times to be here.

Piscean Age is the astrological epoch we have just left. It was a time ruled by masculine energy, activities, and forms. It was hierarchical and power based. People were ruled and controlled by often self serving laws of those in control. People gave away power and freedom for the lure of safety. Teachers taught the established dogma. Imagination was not encouraged, nor was emotional literacy. Money was king and corporations controlled society. It was fear based and filled with inequality, laws, injustice, mystery, and manipulation. We are currently transforming out of the influence of this frequency.

Aquarian Age is the astrological epoch that we are transitioning into. It is feminine based and heart centered. It is a time where community and Oneness are the desired. Shared wealth and experiencing the joy of living are undercurrents that propel authenticity and integrity inside and out. The forms of the Piscean Age are undergoing shifts at a remarkable pace. The official entry into full Aquarian frequency will not come until 2013. We are currently transitioning as a species. The unification of life, the interconnection of life kingdoms, the personal access to our divine design, and our embracing of our multi-dimensional lives are some of the bequeathments of this age.

Remembering and Reclaiming is the primary focus of these times of transformation and transmutation. Our design is Divine. We are capable of so much more than we have believed or been allowed. The belief that we are flawed and less than is an energy that is being transitioned. The self help pathway that keeps us wanting to be more has been a distraction. The truth of our being is and always has been right inside of us, in our cells, in our DNA. These are times of remembering who we are and reclaiming the forms and expressions of that knowledge. This underscores the universal pull of healing ourselves. Turning inward with clear intent and desire to simply be all of that which we are.

Earth Influence is powerful in these times. We have always been in symbiotic relationship with our celestial host and Mother of life, Earth. Historically, man, in believing he had dominion over life, has abused the very source of that life. The perpetrations and short-sighted, sel-serving treatment of the earth and her vast resources has led to a celestial intervention that requires that a change of ways happens immediately. The Earth frequency is raising. Much like a fever in us that burns out the toxicity and restores health, so too the Earth is heating up. The abuses are being atoned for and the Earth frequency is restoring a state of health. Obviously, this impacts humanity as we are feeling the increasing effects of this increase in frequency through climate change, superstorms, catastrophes, and powerful adjustments of the forms of daily life. As we are changing internally to reclaim the true frequency of I AM, so, too, is the Earth. The collective energy of this massive shift is forcing a new world upon us…in the nick of time.

For the Sound Alchemist, this information is pivotal. It gives understanding to the widespread intensity of personal change that people are undergoing. This information can be shared to help instill trust and understanding and full participation and support in this transformation. Be open about it. Then listen for the specific guidance to address the one before you with clarity and pure heart.