Alternative Three

After you have spent time using the previous methods of toning you will experience  increasingly clear energy bodies. The delight of this will be obvious.

This kind of clearing would have taken much longer in therapy or counseling even 15 years ago. This is a testament to the increased frequency of vibration that has occurred since the late 1980’s.

Now you are ready for more of a maintenance program. Daily, you will want to clear your energy bodies and aura of any lower frequency debris picked up through your moments of living and interacting with people and places.

You are going to be making voiced siren sounds. After several deep and grounding breaths, using the phonetic ah, allow your voice to start low and rise up in a continuous sounded pitch like a siren to your highest pitch. Then let it fall down to your lowest pitch. Do this again several times. You probably will start to feel buzzing in the body, a sure sign of increased vibration and the release of energetic debris.

Allow the body to move with the sirens, opening up to the ascent, and collapsing with the descent.

After four or five sirens allow yourself to select a specific pitch on the way up or down and hold that pitch. Follow your inner knowing. It will tell you when to stop. Breathe as necessary and sustain the pitch and sound until it involuntarily release and starts to rise up and then descend.

Here is what is happening here. In the sirens you are using sound and phonemes to clear any energetic debris from your auric field, much like shaking the carpet free of dust. It is a general cleanse.

Holding the pitch you intuit is the body calling you to release a particularly resistant pocket of energy. What is beautiful is that you do not even need to know what it is about. At this point in your remembering this is only energy release. You will lighter, more focused, and more at peace.

Choose to run sirens daily. At the end of the day especially before you go to bed, it will serve to clear off the residue of the day. But, use it when you transition from different experiences of your day as well. The more you use it the clearer you will be. Balance is a beautiful thing.