The throat chakra First Ray vibration is overseen by the Ascended Master
El Morya. Archangel Michael and his cohort, Faith, tend the chakra frequency
and characteristic components. The energy is dispensed into the Earth Plane
by Elohim, Hercules and Amazonia. Each of these are receptive to invitation
and invocation. Songs for them as acknowledgement and to invoke their
celestial powers are valuable.

The hormone gland associated with the throat is the thyroid. The color frequency aligned is blue

It is located at throat and extends front and back in a cone of vibration.

Body parts associated with it are the throat, mouth, vocal mechanism, ears, neck, and shoulders.

Animals associated with the throat are elephant, bull, and lion.

It regulates issues having to do with the communication of our truth. The unexpressed words are held here. It is aligned with the sacral chakra in that the woundings and energetic memories are typically the elements unspoken. Any work in the sacral chakra shows up quickly in the throat chakra.

The throat chakra is the center of sound, vibration, and self-expression. It controls, creates, transmits, and receives inner and outer communication. It is the center of dynamic creativity. It is the vehicle for connectivity.

When balanced one is able to speak clearly ideas, feelings, and perspectives. The voice is clear and full, utilizing the three resonance chambers, the cranium, the throat/mouth, and the body cavity. One listens well and engages in mutually satisfying conversations. There is an openness to and an experience of two way communication with etheric guides and teachers. The power of the voice as a tool for manifestation is understood and practiced. One speaks through the heart with clarity. Comfort sharing ideas, confidence in front of others, a willingness and enjoyment of singing, a knowing of the importance of holding no unspoken words/energy inside and subsequent clearing…all are characteristics of an open throat chakra.

Singing, chanting, mantra, speaking, and vocalizing are the vehicles of expression available to the throat.

Some symptoms of imbalance include sore throat, stiff neck, colds, thyroid problems, hearing problems, soft/loud voice, tonsillitis, voice quality issues, difficulty sharing feelings, speaking truth or saying yes/no, smoking, over talking, always putting things in the mouth, singing issues,

Throat Chakra Characteristics

Speak my words clear and true
Share my heart my light with you
Life expressed through sound and song
Keeps me balanced, whole, and strong

 -Clear and true, by Mark Stanton Welch 2012

Click below to listen to the root tone as you read about it. Notice how each feels

A440 reference

A432 reference