Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru

“There is one creator who has created this creation. Truth is his name. She is so great we cannot describe her infinite wisdom”

Invokes the energy of thew Inner Teacher and initiates contact with the Great Ones who have come before.

Om Dum Durgayi Namaha

Calls upon the Hindu Deity Durga for protection and safety

Om Ha Ksa Ma La Va Ra Yam Swaha

Seed sounds directed at purifying the entire subtle body. Used to hasten personal and planetary transformation.

Shanti Prashanti Sarva Bhaya Upasha Mani Swaha

“Invoking Supreme Peace I surrender the quality of fear to its source in the higher and formless Universal Mind.”

To transform the
energy of fear.

Om Ram Ramaya Namaha

Clears the solar current (down right side of body) and lunar current (down left side) energy paths in body

Shanti Prashanti Sarva Krodha Upasha Mani Swaha

To transform the energy of anger

Om Vajra Sattwa Hung

Calls upon Vajrapani to send a cleansing white beam into the top of one’s head, clearing ot negative thoughts and mental habits.

Om Sharavana Bhavaya Namaha

“Salutations to the son of Shiva, who brings auspiciousness and who is the chief of the celestial army”


Focuses subconscious along optimistic lines, clearing out emotional debris...to see the heart of a misunderstanding.

Namo Kwan Shi Yin Pu Sa

Infuses the consciousness envelope surrounding the Earth with dynamic compassion, which manifests as Grace and Mercy

Om Eim Saraswatiyea Swaha

Om and salutations to the feminine Saraswati principle

In any creative endeavor, this mantra invokes energy for making the project fruitful and successful.

Om Ashwina Tejasa Chakshuhu

Om and salutations to the Ashwini devatas who heal the eyes and keep them bright.

Use to enhance personal inner and outer vision.

Hung Vajra Peh

Tibetan mantra


“By the power of will, through the spoken word, I invoke the thunderbolt of my mind”


Capable of clearing any space of negativity, physical, emotional, spiritual. To clear the Earth’s layer of consciousness of negative energy.