Om Sri Dhanvantre Namaha

(Om shree don-von-trey na-ma-ha)

“Salutations to the being and power of the Celestial Physician”


Chant while concentrating upon any condition that you would like remedied or healed. Chant 12,500 times.

Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha

(Om shree ma-ha lak-shmee-ay swa-ha)

To attain abundance in almost any form

Om Sharavana Bhavaya Namaha

(Om sha-ra-va-na bah-vy-ya nah-ma-ha)

“Salutations to the son of Shiva, who brings auspiciousness and who is the chief of the celestial army”


Focuses subconscious along optimistic lines, clearing out emotional see the heart of a misunderstanding.

Om Hum So Hum

Balances masculine and feminine and focuses their combined force

Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha    

(Om gum ga-na-pa-ta-yay-a  Na-ma-ha)

“Om and salutations to the remover of obstacles for which Gum is the seed”

remove obstacles and resolve conflict

Om Ram Ramaya Namaha

(Om ram ra-my-a na-ma-ha)

Clears the solar current (down right side of body) and lunar current (down left side) energy paths in body

Om Grinihi Suryaya Adityom

(Om grih-nee-hee soor-yah-yah ah-deet-yohm)

“Om and salutations to the Shining One who heals the eyes”


Calls the power of the Sun to heal the eyes

Om Eim Hrim Klim Chamundayei Vichei Namaha

(Om I’m hreem kleem chah-moon-dah-yei vee-cheh nahm-ah-ha)

“Om and salutations to she who is radiant with power and wisdom”

For confidence and inner strength

Aham Prema

(Ah-ham pray-ma)

“I Am Divine Love”

Hung Vajra Peh

(Hoong vahj-rah pay) Tibetan mantra


“By the power of will, through the spoken word, I invoke the thunderbolt of my mind”


Capable of clearing any space of negativity, physical, emotional, spiritual. To clear the Earth’s layer of consciousness of negative energy.

Om Apadamapa Hataram Dataram Sarva Sampadam Loka Bhi Ramam Sri Ramam Bhuyo Bhuyo Namam yaham

(Om a-pa-da-ma-pa ha-ta-ram da-ta-ram sar-va sam-pa-dam lo-ka bee rah-mam sree rah-mam boo-yo boo-yo nah-mam yah-ham)

“Om, o most compassionate Rama. Please send your healing energy right here to the Earth, to the Earth. Salutations.


A most powerful Healing mantra.