Note on DNA Activation (Kryon)

When you lean towards remembering who you are, this triggers the DNA to start revealing itself to you…at the level of your greatest growth edge. The DNA is a field of knowing. It will open and reveal the layer it “decides” based upon the Highest good for the seeker (you). Our opportunity is to want to know, to open up, to reclaim the wholeness, to connect with the I AM of the cosmos…

This beautiful design, in some ways, takes our coming home out of our hands, at least in the way that it unfolds. We certainly have to take action on the new awareness, choosing to move forward when an insight occurs, or a signal is given that speaks to us.

We are simply not able, according to Kryon, to decide what we want to “work on.” Once the contact is made, the big picture takes over addressed and is revealed based on our choices and subsequent action. Pretty cool…